Pinned issues
- 1
Lint: force mandatory fields in `__construct`
#636 opened by homersimpsons - 5
- 12
Invalid map in collection.
#621 opened by laurentmuller - 2
Support `AbstractQuery::getSingleScalarResult`
#611 opened by ruudk - 2
- 0
PHPDoc tag @var with type UserRepository is not subtype of type UserRepository<User>.
#630 opened by whataboutpereira - 0
- 0
Array of enums as Json array not supported
#628 opened by maximecolin - 3
Query result type is not recognized if create the query builder on a trait
#626 opened by IndraGunawan - 0
- 2
Doctrine Repository @method tags with no value type specified in iterable type array
#612 opened by 4d4ch4u32 - 0
Doctrine DBAL 4.2 ships an Types::ENUM which should be preferred over implementing custom types for ENUM fields.
#619 opened by whataboutpereira - 2
- 0
How to use in project without ORM?
#618 opened by DjordyKoert - 0
ODM always-read and written properties
#613 opened by aivchen - 3
Internal error
#602 opened by lukaszkowol - 13
support for doctrine/orm 3+?
#551 opened by arderyp - 8
False Possitive in Abstract Respoitory classes mapped to Abstract Entity classes: "<entity> has no field or association named <field>"
#525 opened by arderyp - 2
EntityRepository::count should return positive int
#603 opened by kevinpapst - 5
- 9
Return of mixed in `$this->createQueryBuilder()->getQuery()->getResult()` when alias is `ev` or `event`
#608 opened by ruudk - 7
- 5
- 1
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Report an error for QueryBuilder::setParameter without specifying the Type.
#564 opened by VincentLanglet - 7
Doctrine Query::execute() without a hydration mode returns mixed (1.4.4) instead of int (1.4.3)
#594 opened by zacharylund - 0
Property is never written, only read - Misleading message when constructor is given for readonly entity
#601 opened by ServerExe - 1
Call to EntityManager::clear in loop not detected
#595 opened by Khartir - 4
Call to an undefined method Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\*::findOneBy*() and other magic methods
#576 opened by vasilvestre - 3
Symfony PdoSessionHandler + Doctrine: Property $sessId is never written, only read.
#575 opened by Adambean - 5
- 6
Since v1.3.64: Interface "PHPStan\Classes\ForbiddenClassNameExtension" not found
#558 opened by andythedandy - 21
False positive when working with ArrayAccess
#557 opened by BladeMF - 7
Enforce `Connection::executeQuery` on SELECT and `Connection::executeStatement` on others queries
#545 opened by VincentLanglet - 2
- 0
Add UniqueEntity constraint field validation
#556 opened by VincentLanglet - 2
New rule: forbid replacing a persistent Doctrine collection field instead of mutating the collection
#505 opened by stof - 7
Use DTO in a query builder
#555 opened by asispts - 0
- 9
Compatibility with doctrine/orm:3
#529 opened by W0rma - 4
doctrine/orm v3 - Declaration of ClassMetadataFactory::newClassMetadataInstance($className)
#530 opened by lugosium - 2
Comparing the database mapping type to the property type should take the phpstan level into account
#527 opened by stof - 0
Repository methods considered pure
#550 opened by derrabus - 19
Performance issues after 1.3.54
#517 opened by derrabus - 8
Issue with `QueryBuilderGetQueryDynamicReturnTypeExtension` when a variable typed as an interface is used
#501 opened by Kocal - 2
MappingException since 1.3.55
#516 opened by mathieudz - 4
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- 3
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