
aips2sqlite - create an SQLite DB from AIPS, Swissmedic, BAG and Refdata

Primary LanguageJava


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aips2sqlite - creates an SQLite DB from AIPS, Swissmedic, BAG and Refdata


Java 1.7 (tested on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)


On some systems it may be necessary to increase the heap space with the Java option -Xmx, see below for an example.


--alpha=<char>    generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose title starts with 'char'
--help            print help
--indications     generate report about keywords found in section indications (folder output)
--inter			  generate drug interaction files as an sqlite database and a csv data file
--lang=<arg>      generate database with given language, two options are supported: 'de' and 'fr'
--nodown          do not download the aips, swissmedic, bag and refdata files
--owner=<owner>   generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose holder starts with 'owner'
--pinfo           generate Patinfo (default is Fachinfo)
--quiet           be extra quiet
--regnr=<number>  generate sqlite database or xml file for meds whose registration number starts with 'number'
--reports         generate parse and owner error reports (folder output)
--verbose         be extra verbose
--version         print the version information and exit
--xml             generate xml file 
--zip             generate zipped versions sqlite database or xml file 


Generate German SQLite database including report file:

$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --verbose --reports

Generate French SQLite database, do not download any files and be extra quiet:

$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=fr --quiet --nodown

Generate zipped German database for all med titles starting with P including a parse and section indication reports:

$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --alpha=P --verbose --reports --nodown --indications --zip

Generate zipped French database and xml file for meds with registration number starting with N

$ java -jar aips2sqlite.jar --lang=fr --xml --regnr=N --verbose --nodown --zip

To increase the heap space use the option -Xmx

$ java -jar -Xmx2048m aips2sqlite.jar --lang=de --verbose --reports