
Scripts I've written over time for my personal use with Textual IRC.

Primary LanguageAppleScript


Scripts for Textual IRC. These are mainly in AppleScript with other languages pinched in here and there.

Drop these scripts in your ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual folder and let the fireworks begin! If this folder isn't present on your machine, create it and add these scripts.

$ git clone https://github.com/phracker/textual-scripts "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts"
$ mv "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts/*" "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/" && rm -rf "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts"

/dns <Domain Name or IP Address> gets the dns entry for its argument.

/hash <algorithm> <data> hashes data using the specified algorithm. Options are md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

/isgd <url> shortens a link using is.gd.

/np is my Now Playing script. Compatible with Quicktime Player, Spotify, and iTunes.

/py <python expression> evaluates a python expression.

/rb <ruby expression> evaluates a ruby expression.

/scc will autojoin their IRC chans without using the web dialog, you just need to fill in your cookie info.

/whatup checks the status of what.cd's site, tracker, and irc network.

/wr <location> reports the weather for the provided location.

Some of these scripts were pulled from these guys, but needed some updating to work properly.