Simple basic handling of XML files for both reading and manual creation in Objective-C.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Simple basic handling of XML files for both reading and manual creation. You can specify your own mapping prefix, set attributes on each element, add and remove child items, iterate over children and so on.

UPDATE (August 13th, 2014): THIS REPOSITORY HAS BEEN RENAMED (and all its sources refactored) FROM CNXML TO CCNXML!


Via CocoaPods

Just add pod 'CCNXML' to your podfile.

Via Git SubModule

cd into your project directory and execute:

git submodule add https://github.com/phranck/CCNXML.git $DIR_WHERE_YOUR_SUBMODULES_ARE_PLACED

You have to replace the $DIR_WHERE_YOUR_SUBMODULES_ARE_PLACED with the real path where your submodules are placed.

Via Drag&Drop

Just drag the CCNXML.h, CCNXMLReader.*, CCNXMLElement.* and *CCNXMLAdditions.* files into your project.


CCNXML was written using ARC and runs on 10.7+ and iOS 6+.


The code is provided as-is, and it is far off being complete or free of bugs. If you like this component feel free to support it. Make changes related to your needs, extend it or just use it in your own project. Feedbacks are very welcome. Just contact me at opensource@cocoanaut.com or send me a ping on Twitter.


The complete documentation you will find on CocoaDocs.


This software is published under the MIT License.