Brainstorm Press is a blogging platform with payments enabled by the Bitcoin Lightning Network.
- React
- TypeScript
- WebSocket
- Zustand
- Bitcoin
- Lightning
- Draft JS
The Brainstorm Press client is built with React and TypeScript. Zustand is used to manage application state.
Corresponding API code here.
yarn test
will run unit and integration tests built with Jest and React Testing Library.
node_modules/.bin/cypress open
will run end-to-end tests built with Cypress.
End-to-end tests depend on network access to the MongoDB Atlas cluster, as well as a locally running instance of Brainstorm Press's API and a locally running Lightning Network (like Polar).
This project is largely based on the Lightning Labs Builder's Guide. Huge shoutout to Lightning Labs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.