
REST API interface to MongoDb.

Primary LanguagePHP


A RESTful Interface to MongoDB.

This is an experimental project that I hacked up in about 4 hours. It is no where near even beta quality code. I hope to have time to flesh this out more later.

Future Plans:

  • Accept json input from raw body
  • API key based authentication
  • A more robust query interface
  • Content Negotiation to also support xml, serialized php, and html output based on accept headers and url file extensions.
  • Cross Origin support
  • Unit Tests
  • Better Documentation


  • Apache
    • mod_rewrite
  • PHP
    • PHP 5.3+
    • json extension
  • MongoDb


Just drop or clone entire project into your DOCUMENT_ROOT.


List databases

GET /dbs - List all databases on the server

List collections in a database

GET /:db  - Will list all collections belonging to :db



Query a collection

GET /:db/:collection




  • skip
  • limit

Any additional arguments will be treated as AND query parameters

Insert a document to a collection

PUT /:db/:collection

The data to be entered into the collection must be sent as request parameters. The content-type must be:


Update a document in a collection

POST /:db/:collection/:id

The data to be entered into the collection must be sent as request parameters. The content-type must be:


Delete a document from the collection

DELETE /:db/:collection/:id