
Converts functions to lambdas

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This is a library for converting both named and annonymous php functions into lambda expressions. This the allows them to be curried and partially applied.


composer require phrenotype/lambda


With all parameters required

$add = lambda(function($a, $b, $c){
	return $a + $b + $c;

echo $add(4,5,2);
echo $add(4,5)(2);
echo $add(4)(5,2);
echo $add(4)(5)(2);

With optional parameters

This is a little bit tricky.

$add = lambda(function($a, $b, $c=2){
	return $a + $b + $c;

The key thing to remember is that once the numbers of arguments applied exactly matches the required number of arguments, It will return a result, not a lambda. So, in applying arguments, do not apply them curry style when dealing with optional parameters. Use partial application instead.

echo $add(4,5,2); // Ok
echo $add(4)(5,2) // Ok
echo $add(4,5)(2); // Error
echo $add(4)(5)(2); //Error


Email : paul.contrib@gmail.com