Cash Flow, PA


  • Git
  • Ruby 2.3.4
  • rvm
  • postgres

Run the app in development

Once you have rvm and ruby 2.3.4 installed,

git clone
bundle install

Copy the environment variables and secrets into their appropriate place and oyt in production data:

cp .env.example .env
cp /config/database.yml.example /config/database.yml
cp /config/secrets.yml.example /config/secrets.yml
rails db:create
rails db:migrate

Run the server

rails s

Run the console

rails c

Import the data

rake import:all

To import one data set, consult lib/tasks/import_data.rake for individual tasks.

SSH and deploying the application

First, make sure you have put the secret key in the right place. Consult doc/ssh-conf to set the correct ssh alias.

To deploy

cap production deploy

Take a snapshot of the database and import the data into your development database

SSH into the server and run the following command from the home directory:

pg_dump --no-acl --no-owner --clean cash_flow_pa | gzip > "cash_flow_pa_`date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ'`.sql.gz"

In the home directory, run ls and make note of the new db snapshot name. Then download the snapshot to your local machine:

scp cash_flow:{SNAPSHOT_NAME} db/

Gunzip the production db snapshot into your local database:

gunzip -c db/{SNAPSHOT_NAME} | psql cash_flow_pa_development

If you are setting up the project for the first time, or you want to blow away your local database and start over, do it in this order:

rake db:drop
rake db:create
gunzip -c db/{SNAPSHOT_NAME} | psql cash_flow_pa_development
rake db:migrate

Contribution workflow

Use a feature branch. When you want to make a contribution, do a git fetch and pull to get the latest version of master. Then re-base your branch, resolve any conflicts that may occur, and then make a pull request.