
GPU program for brute MiniKeys Casascius Serie1 (22 characters)

Primary LanguageC++

Soft MiniKeys For Sale $300

Serie1 coins

This is the fastest program to find old Serie1 minikeys in the world 🏆

MiniKeys GPU Speed
GPU card --bits Speed/s
RTX 4090 24 14.4 Gkeys
RTX 3090 24 6.2 Gkeys
RTX 3070 20 3.3 Gkeys


-b - Number of blocks in gpu (automatically assigned by default)
-t - Number of cores in gpu (automatically assigned by default)
-v - Display key generation in window
--input - Text file of BTC addresses Series1.txt with a new line (ex. Serie1.txt)
--rangeStart Start minikey Serie1 (ex. --rangeStart SVY4eSFCF4tMtMohEkpXkN)
--skip3 - Skipping keys where there are 3 identical letters in a row.
--bits 8/16/20/24 (ex. --bits 16)
--random - Enable random mode
--randomseed - Eight-digit starting range number (ex. 12345678)
--randompos - Range length for sequential search (ex. 7, 8, 9)
--permutation - Enable permutation mode
--permbase - Base58 alphabet for permutations
-d - gpu card id (ex. -d 0 or -d 1)

Linux (ubuntu) Nvidia

For RTX 3090, 4090 - mk_86
For other cards - mk_61

Windows Nvidia

For RTX 3090, 4090 - MK_86.exe
For other cards - MK_61.exe

⚡ Quick start

Run: chmod +x mk_86

Sequential search mode 1

Minikey test: SRjnYZNo5d3wcgjw4k8L1b
Minikey address: 1ACKFKm53PgwXy1XkYRnG36MNsR5JJpjsp

./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --rangeStart SRjnYZNo5d3wcgj1111111 --input test.txt -d 0

./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --rangeStart SRjnYZNo5d3wcgj1111111 --input test.txt -d 0
MinikeyCuda  v 0.2.23, License to: Sam

Loaded addresses: 1
Using device 0:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (128 procs)
number of blocks: 256
number of threads: 384
number of checks per thread: 15360
Uploading data....
Uploading finished
Prec big gen 24 bit, please wait
Gen started at Sun Jan 14 16:03:43 2024
Prec gen 24 bit finished
Work started at Sun Jan 14 16:11:08 2024

Starting key: SRjnYZNo5d3wcgj1111111
 14.977 GKey/s, SRjnYZNo5d3wcgjuxAoEA3      
found: 1ACKFKm53PgwXy1XkYRnG36MNsR5JJpjsp - 6556ED6E88D5B78C66E0060626BABB94E0F0E52764E892A07102CF1541B5784A
found: SRjnYZNo5d3wcgjw4k8L1b 

Work finished at Sun Jan 14 16:13:27 2024

Use --skip3
kipping keys where there are 3 identical letters in a row.
./mk_86 -v --skip3 --bits 24 --rangeStart SRjnYZNo5d3cccj1111111 --input test.txt -d 0
Search speed increases 240 Gkeys/s (TURBO)
When 3 identical letters are passed in a range, the skip will be disabled.
If you get 3 of a kind again it will turn on

Random search mode 2

Minikey test: SRoHTi8X5ptRVfdx65test (seed 20240003)
Minikey address: 1GyjG3RjhQ2Z3RduLLhxxfWqE5aJnbiXpz
./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --random --randomseed 20240001 --randompos 7 --input test.txt -d 0

./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --random --randomseed 20240001 --randompos 7 --input test.txt -d 0
MinikeyCuda  v 0.2.23, License to: Sam

Loaded addresses: 2
Using device 0:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (128 procs)
number of blocks: 256
number of threads: 384
number of checks per thread: 15360
Uploading data....
Uploading finished
Prec big gen 24 bit, please wait
Gen started at Sun Jan 14 17:44:35 2024
Prec gen 24 bit finished
Work started at Sun Jan 14 17:51:58 2024
Initial seed: 20240001
Number of characters to check: 7

seed 20240001: Starting key: Syh9ZPYFTiGSy4j1121121
 14.762 GKey/s, Syh9ZPYFTiGSy4jym2zEzM      
seed 20240002: Starting key: SKmBzgFApmZJzvQ1121121
 14.768 GKey/s, SKmBzgFApmZJzvQyN2hPN1      
seed 20240003: Starting key: SRoHTi8X5ptRVfd1121121
 14.771 GKey/s, SRoHTi8X5ptRVfdwRJfzbK      
found: 1GyjG3RjhQ2Z3RduLLhxxfWqE5aJnbiXpz - 45B56232A338BB649E4CD181D64FB583DF90F302259D52BD1AF99C208C7E5BA9
found: SRoHTi8X5ptRVfdx65test 

Work finished at Sun Jan 14 17:59:20 2024

--randomseed 20240001
A starting random key is generated that corresponds to the seed range 20220001
(You can use any 8-digit seed 00000001 - 99999999)
--randompos 7 (Length 7 characters)
Start range: S + 13 characters from seed + 1111111
End range: S + 13 characters from seed + zzzzzzz
After length 7 has been completed a new starting key will be generated from the next seed 20240002 ..... next seed 20245894 You can specify the length 8, 9, 10...

Permutation mode 3

Minikey test: S1TEST1phrutisaBcDE736
Minikey address: 1KamPdVF51cnBv8jCq3d5yStQMtsH9EPPY
Prefix: S1TEST1 (Length 7 characters)
Alphabet: phrutisaBcDE736 -> Bha6riu7tscpDE3 (Length 15 characters)

./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --permutation --rangeStart S1TEST1 --permbase Bha6riu7tscpDE3 --input test.txt -d 0

./mk_86 -v --bits 24 --permutation --rangeStart S1TEST1 --permbase Bha6riu7tscpDE3 --input test.txt -d 0
MinikeyCuda  v 0.2.23, License to: Sam

Loaded addresses: 3
Using device 0:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 (128 procs)
number of blocks: 256
number of threads: 384
number of checks per thread: 15360
Uploading data......
Uploading finished
Prec big gen 24 bit, please wait
Gen started at Sun Jan 14 18:34:43 2024
Prec gen 24 bit finished
Work started at Sun Jan 14 18:42:08 2024
Number of characters to check: 15
Permutation dictionary: 367BDEachiprstu

Starting key: S1TEST1367BDEachiprstu
Total number of checks (15, no dup): 1307674368000
 12.625 GKey/s, progress: 68.242% [892380119040]      
found: 1KamPdVF51cnBv8jCq3d5yStQMtsH9EPPY - 1C818FA9F9F6DC0071B7DE3B604365237281702C2ACE38A3F06670D7AEA6C319
found: S1TEST1phrutisaBcDE736 
 12.625 GKey/s, progress: 97.340% [1272887377920]      permutation end reached!!!

Work finished at Sun Jan 14 18:43:52 2024

In this mode, characters in a given alphabet are swapped.
Use "--permutation" BEFORE "--rangeStart"!
Don't use the same characters in the alphabet.
Analyze open coins, select an alphabet from frequently dropped symbols

🪙 Minikeys Serie1

Number of minikeys Serie1 = 4907
Denomination of coins 1, 5, 10, 25, 500, 1000 BTC
More information on the Casascius tracker

In 2010-2012 bitcoin was worth cents.
The coins did not provide crypto value.
Beautiful physical coins were used as souvenirs, given as gifts, lost, thrown away.
Many people simply did not know that there was a mini-key under the holagram.
Suppose the person knew about the key
2011 year 1 btc = $0.08
Where can I spend $0.08?

2012 year 1 btc = $1
In 2013 you can buy pizza :)
Then the rate began to rise.

📝 Frequently Asked Questions

Where to download 4907 addresses of coins series1 ?
Download Serie1.txt

Download 3 addresses for a quick test

I launched the program hung (froze) what should

The program needs time to create the table.
Wait for start:
For 24 bits = 10 minutes

I have a RTX 3060 TI card, and I have a low speed, how can speed

In the new drivers for 30xx Ti, 20xx Ti, a limiter is installed that slows down the speed by half.
You need to download the old driver from six months ago. 496.13
Delete the new driver, install the old driver, the speed will increase x2
After searching, you can install new drivers.

I have many GPUs. How to start

Run each GPU separately. Add your card id -d ?
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 0
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 1
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 2
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 3
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 4
MK_86.exe -v ... -d 6

Why can't you find my test key?

The program checks only valid keys and uncompressed Legacy addresses 1...
You can generate a valid key manually.

Key 22 characters + ? to SHA256 = Private key starting with 00...
Then the key is without ? in SHA256 will be valid.
SN87BVteCnEm4cWPmLNATM? -> SHA256 = Privkey: 0030e848687df9b66d43aa5e9d895dea1974c439285eda7860c0f7a0757b03da

SN87BVteCnEm4cWPmLNATT? -> SHA256 = Privkey: b1f1e41071b431e9988ea43e900c4a4fdc7d2b9f8ee957a0e556cc38e1d699b2

How to buy the program?

You need to write in telegram @phrutis
Payment in BTC.
After payment you will receive 4 ready-made program files.
2 program files for Ubuntu (mk_86 and mk_61)
2 program files for Windows (MK _86.exe and MK _61.exe)
Brief instructions, BTC address database Serie1.txt

Where can I get real mini keys casascius Serie1?

They are hard to find, I only know 5
SMgKFRQ6n64w8gV2dUwYte - emply
S4b3N3oGqDqR5jNuxEvDwf - 2013 ???
SkGh5HHYsweYWVidWasX7r - original
SG64GZqySYwBm9KxE3wJ29 - ok

I have a mistake RTX 4090 Ubuntu

./mk_86: error while loading shared libraries: libcudart.so.11.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libcudart.so.11.0
or install CUDA 11.7 HIRE

For vast.ai RTX 4090 USE:
Image: nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-devel-ubuntu20.04

Image CUDA version: 11
Incompatible images hidden
Launch Type: jupyter

Or install CUDA 11.0.3 (11.7 max) on your Ubuntu PC In Windows version it works in any CUDA 11.0 -> 12.3