
Primary LanguageC

Dash Requirements

  • Dash Shell has two Modes:

    1. Interactive Prompt - "dash> " It allows the user to type commands directly.

    2. Batch prompt: > ./dash batch.txt Reads input from a batch file and executes commands from therein.

  • Dash shell creates a new process for every command, except the built-in commands - cd, exit and path - which are implemented internally.

  • Shell should support standard output redirection: ls -la /tmp > output

      - Here the standard output of ls program should be redirected to the file output. 
      - The standard error should also be rerouted to the file output.
      - If output file exists before running the program, overwrite it.
      - The exact format of redirection is a command (and possibly some arguments) followed by the redirection symbol followed by a filename.
      - Multiple redirection operators or multiple files to the right of the redirection sign are errors.
      - After extracting each command, we need to look for ">"
  • User can launch parallel Commands - &

  • Print only one error message:

    char error_message[30] = "An error has occurred\n";

    write(STDERR_FILENO, error_message, strlen(error_message));

  • parse the input

    • for batch mode, need to read file line by line
  • Extract the tokens

    1. Check for parallel commands (&)

For every command

  • Extract the tokens with space delimiter

    • store in array
  • check whether the command is a built-in command or not.

    • implement exit, cd(using chdir()) and path.
    • invoke the implementation
  • if it is not a built-in command,

    • scan all the paths and check using access().
    • if it is present in the particular path
      • fork

      • In the child process

        -If user requested for redirection - close std out file desc - open file with name given by user (eg "output") - execv(path, arg)

        • if no redirection requested
          • execv(path, arg)
    • if not, it is an error

create child process (fork + exec) - parent waits for child to finish (wait()) When process is done prompt for next command

Repeat above till user types exit