In this exercise we will create a page using the Django's "form" class, and implement the logic for saving the form data into the database.
SSH into the test machine. The password is 123456.
ssh your_upi@
Once you are in, activate the python virtual environment and cd into the project folder
workon dj && cd mysite
Add a new path in "" (inside the main app folder), so the user can reach the form by typing the path "/main/createPerson". The path should pass the request to a function called "createPerson" in
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urlpatterns = [
path('createPerson', views.createPerson),
path('createList', views.createList),
path('<str:name>', views.index),
path('', views.home),
Create the view function "createPerson" in It should reuse the template file "create.html" for rendering, and the dictionary object that you pass to this template can be empty for the time being.
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def createPerson(request):
data = {
return render(request, "main/create.html", data)
A new model "Person" was addedd into the "main" app (see below).
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
age = models.IntegerField()
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def __str__(self):
In, add a new class called "CreatePerson" that inherits the Django form. Then for each attribute in the "Person" model, create the corrisponding attribute for the "CreatePerson" class.
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class CreatePerson(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=200)
age = forms.IntegerField()
title = forms.CharField(max_length=200)
Now go back to, first modify the "import" line so Django knows about the new form class we just created.
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from .forms import CreateNewList, CreatePerson
- "form" - map to a new "CreatePerson" object
- "create_title" - map to the string "Create Person"
- "already_created" - map to a list of "Person" objects that being created so far
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def createPerson(request):
form = CreatePerson()
already_created = Person.objects.all()
data = {
"form": form,
"create_title": "Create Person",
"already_created": already_created
return render(request, "main/create.html", data)
The "createPerson" function in should also be able to handle POST request from submitting a "createPerson" form. Modify the "createPerson" function so that if the request type is a POST, then use values stored in the POST to create a "Person" object, save the object into the database and finally redirect the user back to an empty "createPerson" form. If you feel stuck, have a look at the "createList" function in the same file, the overall structure looks very similar.
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def createPerson(request):
if request.method == "POST":
form = CreatePerson(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
formData = form.cleaned_data
p = Person(name=formData["name"], age=formData["age"], title=formData["title"])
return HttpResponseRedirect("createPerson")
form = CreatePerson()
already_created = Person.objects.all()
data = {
"form": form,
"create_title": "Create Person",
"already_created": already_created
return render(request, "main/create.html", data)
Once you complete the function you can test it by going to "/main/createPerson" and add a few "Person" objects. If everything goes well, you should see the names of the newly created "Person" under the "Already Created" section of the page.