
Intermediate Python course

Primary LanguagePython

Meme Generator

A multimedia application to dynamically generate memes, including an image with an overlaid quote.

Setting up

  • Make sure you have Python (3.x) and pdftotext installed on your system.

  • Clone the repository then run the following commands from the root directory:

      python3 -m venv ./venv
      source venv/bin/activate
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • You have all the required dependencies for the project now. You can use the meme generator by either following ways.

Command-line Tool

  • Run below command to generate random memes

      python3 meme.py
  • Additionally, you can specify the command arguments (--path/-p, --body/-b, --author/-a) for more customized memes

      python3 meme.py -p ./_data/photos/dog/xander_1.jpg -b 'Just do it!' -a Xander

Flask Server

  • Start the Flask server by running:

      flask --app app run --host localhost --port 8000
  • The Flask server should be up and running on port 8000 now. Open localhost:8000.

  • NOTICE: The default ports are 5000 (or port 3000) are used by other services on MacOS

Built With

  • Python3 - We all know what it is :)

  • Flask - Flask is a micro web framework written in Python

