
A cron job that will back up databases running in a docker postgres container

Primary LanguageShell

Odoo Backup

A simple docker container that run Odoo backups covering both Odoo files and PostgreSQL db based on docker-pg-backup. It then copy the backup files on GoogleDrive using drive cli.

Getting the image

There are various ways to get the image onto your system:

The preferred way (but using most bandwidth for the initial image) is to get our docker trusted build like this:

docker pull martel/odoo-backup:latest

To build the image yourself without apt-cacher (also consumes more bandwidth since deb packages need to be refetched each time you build) do:

docker build -t martel/odoo-backup .

If you do not wish to do a local checkout first then build directly from github.

git clone git://github.com/martel-innovate/odoo-backup


To create a running container do:

docker run --name="backups"\
           --hostname="pg-backups" \
           --link=watchkeeper_db_1:db \
           -v ${PWD}/backup:/backup \
           -v ${PWD}/credentials.json:/var/credentials.json \
           -i -d martel/pg-backup

In this example I used a volume into which the actual backups will be stored.

Specifying environment

You can also use the following environment variables to pass a user name and password etc for the database connection.

  • PGUSER if not set, defaults to : docker
  • PGPASSWORD if not set, defaults to : docker
  • PGPORT if not set, defaults to : 5432
  • PGHOST if not set, defaults to : db
  • PGDATABASE if not set, defaults to : db
  • ODOO_FILES if not set, defaults to : 1 (it will backup also files in /var/lib/odoo)
  • DRIVE_DESTINATION if not set, defaults to : "" (no path, so it will not run a Drive backup)

Example usage:

docker run -e PGUSER=bob -e PGPASSWORD=secret -e ODOO_FILES=1
    -e DRIVE_DESTINATION=path -link db -i -d martel/pg-backup

One other environment variable you may like to set is a prefix for the database dumps.

  • DUMPPREFIX if not set, defaults to : PG

Example usage:

docker run -e DUMPPREFIX=foo -link db -i -d martel/pg-backup

Here is a more typical example using docker-composer:

For docker-compose.yml:

  image: postgres:9.4
    - POSTGRES_USER=docker
    - POSTGRES_PASS=docker

  image: martel/pg-backup:latest
  hostname: pg-backups
    - db:db
    - ${PWD}/backup:/var/backup
    - ${PWD}/credentials.json:/var/credentials/credentials.json #TODO document how to create the file
    - ODOO_FILES=0
    - ODOO_FILES=0
    - PGHOST=db
    - PGDB=db
    - PGUSER=docker
    - PGPASSWORD=docker
    - PGPORT=5432

Then run using:

docker-compose up -d dbbackup