Oracle XE Virtual Machine creation using vagrant and chef-solo
Create a Oracle 6.4 VM using veewee
$ veewee vbox define 'OracleLinux-6.4-x86_64-DVD' 'OracleLinux-6.4-x86_64-DVD'
$ veewee vbox build 'OracleLinux-6.4-x86_64-DVD'
$ veewee vbox halt 'OracleLinux-6.4-x86_64-DVD'
$ veewee vbox export 'OracleLinux-6.4-x86_64-DVD'
import into vagrant
$ vagrant box add myoracle64
Now the Vagrantfile using the 'myoracle64' box definition should pick up the box
The chef 'oraxe' recipe will install rpm packages for oracle-xe and sqldeveloper which must be downloaded from the Oracle website (TODO: urls) and put into oraxe_install directory...
- install Java (needed for SQL Developer)
- install minimal X and/or Xvnc for local usage of sqldeveloper?
- alternative: use X Forwarding via ssh? gnome, gdm, fonts (yum groupinstall 'Fonts') testen welche...
- squirrel?
- ...