
A system help people monitor humidity and temperature of their room, garden, etc remotely on website via GSM network, 2G/3G

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GSM-based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring System

Keywords: GSM, Web server, SailsJS, Tiva, DHT11


This project is my course's project at University of Technology. I am going to build a system powered by a web server that helps people monitor the humidity and temperature of their house, garden, etc via a web browser over the Internet. Data are transfered from sensors to the server via GPRS/2G.

Table of contents

I. Description

This project is made up of a web server, an embedded device

  • Web server: powered by SailsJS, AngularJS implementation on front-end.
  • Embedded Device: TivaC129, DHT11 sensor, SIM800L module

II. Prerequisites

  • OS to run web server: I am using Ubuntu 17.10.
  • Nodejs:
Install: sudo apt-get install nodejs -y && sudo apt-get install npm -y

Update npm: sudo npm install npm@latest
  • Install SailsJS: here or
sudo npm install sails --g
  • MySQL:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client -y
  • Apache2
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y

III. Deployment

III.1 Web server

1. Open terminal
2. cd 'Web Server' 
3. npm install
4. config MySQL server: username, password, hostname in config/local.js
5. sails lift

III.2 TivaC


1. Import project in Code Composer Studio (CCS) of Texas Instruments. 
2. Power on Kit and compile the project

IV. System model

System model

V. Some results

Homepage user dashboard add devices H and T Graph Warning

TivaC send data