
Description: react-verify-otp a fully customizable, one-time password input component for the web built with React.

see here



To install the latest stable version:

npm install react-verify-otp
yarn add react-verify-otp
pnpm install react-verify-otp

Basic Use

import { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import OtpInput from 'react-verify-otp';
import '/node_modules/react-verify-otp/dist/style.css';

const App = () => {
  const otpRef = useRef(null);
  const [otp, setOtp] = useState('');

  const handleChangeOtp = (otp) => {

  // use "otpRef?.current?.[method_name];"
  // example: otpRef?.current?.clearOtp();
  // used to call some methods defined in this library

  return (

export default App


Name Type Required Default Description
otpValue string true '' The value of the OTP.
onChange function true - Method change OTP code.
numberInputs number false 4 Number of OTP inputs to be rendered.
placeholder string false '' Suggest value of each input. The length of this string should be equal to numberInputs.
separator any false null Provide a custom separator between inputs by passing a component, string, number or symbols etc. For example: <>♦</>, <span>♦</span> etc.
autoFocus boolean false false Autofocus input on initial page load.
isDisabled boolean false false Disables all the inputs.
isError boolean false false Indicates there is an error in the inputs.
isInputNumber boolean false false Only numbers enter.
isInputSecure boolean false false Masks input characters.
styleOtpWrapper string false none Style passed to container of inputs.
styleOtpInput string false none Style passed to each input.

Use ref

Name Type Required Default Description
ref any false null Used to access available methods.
clearOtp function - - Clear the value OTP present.
getInputOtpRef function - - Access to each inputs.
getOtpValue function - - Get the value of the OTP.



  • v1.0.0 - The first, create and build project push to github, fix deploy to vercel, publish to npm package management.
  • v1.1.0 - Add description to package.json, show info to npm package management (keywords, author, license, homepage, repository).
  • v1.1.1 - Fix error import package when use reality (but do not success :(().
  • v1.1.2 - I'm trying fix error import package when use reality.
  • v1.1.3 - It has been successfully fixed.
  • v1.2.3 - Update typings fix warning & import css file (but fail).
  • v1.3.3 - I'm trying import css dynamic, however, I added a temporary guide in this description.