
๐Ÿš€โšก Awesome list about performance related patches/PRs.

Awesome Performance Patches Awesome

๐Ÿš€โšก Awesome lists about performance related patches/PRs.

The purpose of this awesome list is to allow others to learn from performance improvements of the past ๐Ÿ“, so that you can submit your performance improvement sooner or later here as well ๐Ÿค.

The list also includes blog posts without PRs, if they contain enough code to make them useful for this purpose.
โญ marks blog posts or articles covering a lot of areas with in-depth explanations.

For Web Performance, there are a few more lists of curated links of talks, newsletters, blogs and more:
โžก๏ธ fabkrum/web-performance-resources โžก๏ธ imteekay/web-performance-research โžก๏ธ nucliweb/webperf-snippets

Hint: What improves performance might change over time; always re-validate assumptions by benchmarking.
Follow me on Twitter for updates.



Patches focused on JavaScript performance improvements.

Caching / Doing less work

Data Structures


  • node-semver - bit flags instead of string manipulation
  • node-semver - Object#freeze for lower memory consumption at around equal perf
  • typescript - var is faster than let/const in the specific use case of TypeScript
  • graphql-js - for..of downtranspilation & destructuring optimization
  • preact/signals - convert ES6 classes to ES5 classes for higher performance
  • fabianhiller/valibot - lazy evaluation, "is object" check via var?.constructor !== Object, array tuples to flat array
  • nodejs/node - replace N boolean props with one bitmap
  • fabianhiller/valibot - avoid (negative) look-aheads for faster regexp execution
  • ai/nanoid - re-ordered alphabet for smaller brotli compression
  • astro - AsyncIterable instead of a ReadableStream

Blog Posts with Code ๐Ÿ“–

Algorithmic ๐Ÿ“–

Perf Audits ๐Ÿ“

CSS & Rendering

Patches focused on CSS performance improvements.

  • nuka-carousel - removes huge layers by fixing negative z-index
  • mui/mui-x - collection of MUI improvements:
    • recalculate style - avoiding updating CSS variables on parents for shorter "recalculate style" tasks
    • layerize - make "layerize" tasks shorter by avoiding creating many layers
    • scroll direction - emphasize scroll direction for optimistic updates

Blog Posts with Code ๐Ÿ“–

Animations ๐Ÿ’ซ

HTML & Web Vitals ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Patches focused on HTML & Web Vitals performance improvements.


Patches focused on TypeScript runtime performance improvements (e.g. running tsc). The TS team also has a dedicated wiki page. Attest can help you benchmark.

  • sentry - avoid large unions in favor of interfaces
  • tRPC - avoid disabling the lazy evaluation of TypeScript types


Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.