
Primary LanguagePython


  • API capable of performing CRUD operations on a person resource.


This is a simple API with endpoints for CRUD operations on a person resource.

run this test.py to test the Endpoints.

The UML file is here

How to run.

Ensure you have python downloaded on your system, you can download python at (www.python.org) or run

 sudo apt install python.python3

this will install python on your system, the run

 pip -r install requirements.txt

this will install all neccessary libraries


python -m api.app

from the root directory i.e HNGx/ to start the server

run the test.py file to get a feel of the API

How to use

The endpoints can be accessed by making API calls to the endpoints and working with the data recieved, in order to work with this endppint, its required that the data to be sent by payload is of json format/ python dictionary. The response is always in json. e.g

>> import requests
>> data = {
            'name': 'phurhard'
>> r = requests.post('https:url.com/api', json=data)
>> r.status_code
.. 201
>> r.json()
.. {
    'name': 'phurhard',
    'id': "e36fec46-42d5-4284-8040-3cd23845ce62",
    'created': "2023-09-13 18:32:40.097312"

the name of the user can used for all other CRUD operations.