
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create Skeleton Project

npx create-react-app dabit-tut
cd dabit-tut
npm install --save-dev hardhat
npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai
npx hardhat

Select 'create sample project', and y (default) on prompts.

Update Configurations

  1. Go to hardhat.config.js.

  2. Update the module.exports section in hardhat.config.js with the following:

    -solidity version to 0.8.3 -added paths -added networks

  3. Rename the sample-script.js in the scripts folder to deploy.js since this script helps with the deployment.

// deploy.js uses ethers.js library to put our smart contract onto the ethereum blockchain by sending a message to the x0 address of ethereum blockchain with the data load being our compiled smart contract in bytecode.

Compile and Deploy

npx hardhat compile // to see things working
npx hardhat node // start the Hardhat Network, which also gives us 20 Accounts from Account #0 to Account #19 for test use.

open another terminal

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost // this deploys to the local hardhat node/hardhat network

Note that the deploy.js script, by default, uses the Account #0 as the sender of the transaction that creates the new contract on the blockchain. "Contract creation transactions are sent to a special destination address called the zero address (0x0)" - Mastering Ethereum. You can see this by comparing the From: address with the Account #0 address.

Connect Metamask

On MetaMask - select localhost: 8545 Import account using the private key from Account #0 given to us.

We can send transaction from metamast to the contract? #TODO:

To the Frontend - Startup React

run npm start // starts up node server

Go to App.js and import:

import { useState} from 'react';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import Greeter from './artifacts/contracts/Greeter.sol/Greeter.json' // imports the compiled ABI

Code React Frontend

At 20 min of Dabit Full Stack Guide

See detailed notes in App.js. Below are high level steps that was taken to code it.

  1. Set the usestate. #TODO:
  2. Create 3 skeleton functions.
  3. Code fetchGreeting.
  4. Code
  5. Code ...

Deploy to Ropsten

Setup Metamask

  1. Switch Metamask to Ropsten network. Create an Account if needed.
  2. Get Ether at https://faucet.ropsten.be/ into your Metamask account.

Config Alchemy or Infura

  1. Choose either Alchemy or Infura as an Ethereum node that we will connect to.
  2. On Alchemy "Create App" and select Ropsten as network and get the API Key.

Update hardhat.config.js

We now update our hardhat.config.js to add the Ropsten network. You will need the API endpoint from Alchemy.

Also you will need to export the private key from the Ropsten account in your Metamask. This will be the account used to create/deploy the contract

  1. Add the below to the networks section of hardhat.config.js

ropsten: {
   url: "<API url from Alchemy goes here.>",
   accounts: [`0x${process.env.PRIVATE_KEY`}] //this is a way to hide the private key. We put the private key in an environment file.

Put this in the environment file:

export PRIVATE_KEY="<private key from metamask goes here>"

//TODO: how to set environment variable


npx hardhat run script/deploy.js --network=ropsten

We should see message giving us the deployed contract address.

Check Etherscan ropsten

  1. Go to https://ropsten.etherscan.io/.
  2. Copy the contract address, and paste into etherscan.

We should see the contract show up!

We should see that we spent a bit of Ether in Metamask as well.

Create Token

at 38 min #TODO:

DO ERC 20 Token

from OpenZeppelin