
Create generative art by using the canvas api and node js


npm install


Create your different layers as folders in the 'layers' directory, and add all the layer assets in these directories.

Optionally, append '_r' and '_sr' to the layer file names to make those layer files rare or super rare respectively.

Example: If you had an ball layer you would create a ball directory, and then a file might be called:

  • red_eye_ball_sr.png
  • red_eye_ball_r.png
  • red_eye_ball.png

Rarity is customizable in src/config.js.

Once you have all your layers, go into src/config.js and update the layersOrder array to be your layer folders name in order of the back layer to the front layer.

Example: If you were creating a portrait design, you might have a background, then a head, a mouth, eyes, eyewear, and then headwear, so your layersOrder would look something like this:

const layersOrder = [

Then optionally, update your format size, ie the outputted image size, and the defaultEdition, which is the amount of variation outputted.

When your are all ready, run the following command and your outputted art will be in the build directory:

npm run build

Reading _metadata.json

"date": 1630772747685 is in unix time, you can use this to convert to human readable time. Front-end apps will convert these time formats to display them for humans.