This repo was set up using cra within wsl ubuntu. To setup a similar project from scratch follow these steps:

  1. Open Ubuntu Bash
  2. cd // home/phungo
  3. cd _PROJECTS
  4. npx create-react-app my-app
  5. cd my-app
  6. code .

Now I'm inside VSCode with WSL Remote. Create a local git - by going to Source Control side panel Create and hook it up to remote Github

"…or push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -u origin main " sudo apt full-upgrade to update packages on ubuntu

TODO later if using both wsl and windows for 1 repo

Install nvm, node.js and npm on WSL

nvm ls //see which node versions i have installed


We recommend adding a .gitignore file to your projects. GitHub offers a collection of useful .gitignore templates with recommended .gitignore file setups organized according to your use-case. For example, here is GitHub's default gitignore template for a Node.js project.

If you choose to create a new repo using the GitHub website, there are check boxes available to initialize your repo with a README file, .gitignore file set up for your specific project type, and options to add a license if you need one.