
u1dm's dotfiles 🌻

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u1dm's dotfiles 🍁

This is my personal collection of configuration files.

Here are some details about my setup:

       /\         u1dm@archpc
      /  \        os       Arch Linux 🍀
     /\   \       wm       Hyprland 🌺
    /      \      shell    Fish 🌹
   /   ,,   \     terminal Kitty 💐
  /   |  |  -\    laucher  Rofi 🌾 
 /_-''    ''-_\   bar      Waybar 🌼

How to install?

git clone https://github.com/u1dm/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
chmod +x installer.sh

My current dots 🌸

Monet 🦢

Minimal 🕊