Powershell Service for Logic Apps

This is a service that can be called via a custom logic app connector to run a Powershell script in a container or in a VM (Windows based). After the script runs it puts the result into a service bus queue.


If installed on a VM then it needs node to be installed.

$env:SCRIPTS_PATH = 'C:\Scripts'
$env:PORT = 8080
$env:QUEUE = 'scriptresults'
$env:AZURE_SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING = 'put your endpoint for the service bus'

npm install
node main.js

This can also be run as a windows container in ACI, PaaS or ServiceFabric

az container create \
    --image patnaikshekhar/nodepowershellservice:2 \
    -g MyResourceGroup \
    --name myapp \
    --environment-variables "SCRIPTS_PATH=C:\Scripts QUEUE=scriptresults AZURE_SERVICEBUS_CONNECTION_STRING=put your endpoint for the service bus"