
Lightweight web frontend in PHP for reading data, stats and config from multiple redis servers.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version License


A web interface to read data from redis server(s)

Public demo

See the public demo on readis.hollo.me

Docker image

You can find a ready to run docker image here.

docker pull hollodotme/readis


  • Setup / Selection for multiple redis servers
  • Mapping database keys to expressive database names
  • Selection of a database inside a redis server
  • Searching for keys (with placeholders) inside a database
  • Listing of found keys with variable limit
  • Basic information about keys
  • Viewing the content of all key types
  • Viewing all elements/members/fields in lists, (sorted) sets and hashes all at once
  • Prettified JSON view, if value is a compact JSON string
  • Listing of slow logs
  • Table with all the current server instance information / stats
  • Table with all the current server configs
  • Real-time server monitor for connected clients and I/O in KB/sec.


  • Webserver (nginx, apache2, etc.)
  • PHP >= 7.1 with phpredis extension
  • composer


Assuming you'll install readis under /var/www/readis on your server.

  1. SSH into your webserver.
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/hollodotme/readis.git /var/www/readis
  3. $ cd /var/www/readis
  4. $ git checkout v2.0.0
  5. $ composer install -a --no-dev --no-interaction
  6. $ cp config/app.sample.php config/app.php
  7. Set up the baseUrl in config/app.php (Should be the full HTTP URL with path, e.g. https://www.example.com/readis/)
  8. $ cp config/servers.sample.php config/servers.php
  9. Set up all server instances in config/servers.php
  10. Set up your webserver VHost with document root /var/www/readis/public

Sample app configuration

  • File: config/app.php

Using readis under a separate (sub-)domain:


return [
	'baseUrl' => 'http://readis.example.com',

Using readis under a path of a domain:


return [
	'baseUrl' => 'http://www.example.com/readis',

Sample server configuration

  • File: config/servers.php

return [
		'name'          => 'Local redis server 1',
		'host'          => '',
		'port'          => 6379,
		'timeout'       => 2.5,
		'retryInterval' => 100,
		'auth'          => null,
		'databaseMap'   => [
			'0' => 'Sessions',
			'1' => 'Sample Data',
			// ...
		'name'          => 'Local redis server 2',
		'host'          => '',
		'port'          => 6379,
		'timeout'       => 2.5,
		'retryInterval' => 100,
		'auth'          => null,
		'databaseMap'   => [
			'0' => 'Sessions',
			'1' => 'Sample Data',
			// ...

You can map the numeric database keys to plain text names. Keys that were not mapped will still be displayed as Database [KEY].

Please note: If the CONFIG command is disabled in your redis server, the database map becomes the fallback listing of available databases.

Sample nginx configuration

server {
	listen 80;
	# Change the domain name
	server_name www.your-domain.net;

	root /var/www/readis/public;
	index index.php;

	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

	location ~ \.php$ {
		fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
		fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock;
		fastcgi_index index.php;
		include fastcgi_params;

That's it.

Run locally

In order to run readis locally, follow these steps:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/hollodotme/readis.git
  2. $ cd readis/
  3. $ composer update -o
  4. $ cp config/app.sample.php config/app.php
  5. $ cp config/servers.sample.php config/servers.php
  6. $ php -S -t public/ (starts local webserver)
  7. $ docker-compose up -d (starts redis-server instance on localhost:6379)
  8. Open: