
Tweet Photo Insight: Python library to get photos in Twitter feed, with a video and photo annotations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TweetPI: Tweet Photo Insight

Python library to get photos in Twitter feed, with a video and photo annotations. Part of EC601 as Mini Project 1.


DEMO of annotated video

This is very experimental, and thus the API may change at any time.

Old Agile Scrum board (with sprints): https://github.com/phy25/tweetpi/projects/1


Breaking changes


We completed the following new features. If you don't want to use it, just keep db_enable config to None or False.

  • Do two database implementations with MySQL and MongoDB
  • Organize detail information of every transaction the user may run using your system, and store all relevant information for everytime a user uses your application
  • API and program to: search for certain words and retrieve which user/session that has this work in it. For example, search for ‘basketball”, and get results of which user had Basketball in their sessions
  • API and program to: show collective statistics about overall usage of the system. For example: number of images per feed, most popular descriptors


Shell usage has not been changed, and you can use it in the same way as before. The following changes is related to programmers.

  • Video-related functions is no longer implemented as methods in PhotoList. They are now in a new module called video. So we have tweetpi.video.generate_video, tweetpi.video.generate_annotated_video, with a new first argument receiving a PhotoList. This gives us fine-grained control over video tools check. The old method is kept in PhotoList with a deprecation notice.
  • PhotoList.photos is deprecated. You are encourged to use PhotoList to iterate directly as a list. PhotoList.get_list(),PhotoList.photos is still kept for backward compatibility.
  • Under the hood, localphoto is removed, instead photo.ImOp in introduced with (somewhat) chainable usage.


  • PhotoList.l is changed to PhotoList.photos. Before it is encourged to use PhotoList.get_list(), but since we want to be more pythonic, PhotoList.photos will be supported in the future. If it is necessary to use function getter/setter, PhotoList.photos will be kept available.



This library is currently tested within Ubuntu. You need to have Python installed (tested with Python 3.5, 3.7.0 now) first.

Git will be used to fetch code from here. The following bash command also installs ffmpeg, and respective Python packages.

$ git clone https://github.com/phy25/tweetpi.git
$ cd tweetpi
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --user


It's more convenient if you are using Windows 10 + WSL; it's the same as on Ubuntu.

However, if you really need to install this in native Windows...

> git clone https://github.com/phy25/tweetpi.git
> cd tweetpi
> pip install -r requirements.txt --user

And finally, grab an copy of ffmpeg.exe and put it inside tweetpi folder (You can download here), or ensure ffmpeg is in PATH and thus is execuable from the shell.

Obtain service tokens

You need to prepare your Twitter API token and Google Cloud Vision API service account JSON.

How to config

A object called options will be passed to TweetPI.

If you intend to use the shell, you can put them as JSON in options.json in the folder. If you don't pass --options argument to the shell, the program will try to read options from options.json.

For example, if options.twitter_consumer_key is mentioned, it means here (***) in options.json. You just need to put the value in that position (without spaces before and after, and with " wrapped!).


If you are using the library from your Python code, I guess you are so wise to handle this.


Go to https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply/user and apply (Though this is harder than before :-( ). If you (already) have one, go to https://apps.twitter.com/ to obtain the following information, and fill them into options with TweetPI(). Note that we need read-only or broader access.

  • Consumer Key (API Key) -> options.twitter_consumer_key
  • Consumer Secret (API Secret) -> options.twitter_consumer_secret
  • Access Token -> options.twitter_access_token
  • Access Token Secret -> options.twitter_access_secret


Follow https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/quickstart#set_up_your_project (only "Set up your project" part) to set up your project and enable "Cloud Vision API". You don't need to create a Cloud Storage bucket for using TweetPI.

Then you need to obtain a service account key (in JSON). If you don't have one, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/serviceaccountkey, follow the guide (you don't need to choose a role for using TweetPI), choose JSON, and download the .json file to the TweetPI folder.

Currently TweetPI only supports JSON service account key. You can point to the JSON file by filling options.google_key_json (relative to working directory, e.g. My Project f92e3234.json).

Database config

Database in this project is used as a logging mechanism. There are two database config:

  • db_enable receives True/False.
    • If it is False, nothing happens regarding database.
    • If it is True but db_uri is empty, each time database will be written, it will print data to stderr instead.
  • db_uri is a database URI (see below).

Currently we provide two types of database support: MongoDB, and MySQL (MariaDB).


db_uri can be set like "mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@DOMAIN:PORT/DATABASE". e.g. "mongodb://demouser:password@localhost/demodb".

You don't need to run tweetpi.py install_db before you start using it.

If you need a temporary MongoDB server, I would recommend you to sign up one for free at https://mlab.com/.


db_uri can be set like "mysql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@DOMAIN:PORT/DATABASE". e.g. "mysql://demouser:password@localhost/demodb". You can replace mysql with mysql+pymysql. For MariaDB, please still use mysql as the protocal name.

Before you start using it please run tweetpi.py install_db in shell or tweetpiInstance.dbclient.install() to create approriate tables in the database, or it will report errors.

If you need a temporary MySQL/MariaDB server (portable), you can install XAMPP's portable server at https://www.apachefriends.org/.

Query tools

There are several functions in the shell for you to make use of the logs data.

  • tweetpi.py install_db install database tables if necessary
  • tweetpi.py get_annotation_keywords_list get annotation keywords list in db
  • tweetpi.py get_total_by_type get total by type in db
  • tweetpi.py get_total_by_session_id get total by session_id in db
  • tweetpi.py search_by_keyword KEYWORD search logs by keyword in db


$ tweetpi.py get_total_by_session_id
                      Session ID    Count
-------------------------------- --------
     c218d8f8d25cb11a_1543630001        7
     c218d8f8d25cb11a_1543628419        7
$ tweetpi.py get_annotation_keywords_list
                         Keyword    Count
-------------------------------- --------
                          person       10
                 black and white       10
                            text       10
                         cartoon       10
                            font       10
                         drawing        8
                            line        6
                  human behavior        6
                           black        4
                           white        4
                         emotion        4
                          mammal        4
                        line art        4
                           paper        2
                          design        2
                         product        2
                         diagram        2
                            head        2
$ tweetpi.py get_total_by_type
            Type    Count
---------------- --------
        annotate       10
           video        2
    get_timeline        2
$ tweetpi.py search_by_keyword person
{'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 30, 11, 33, 20), 'id': 2, 'key': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DssdKgqVsAAXw0y.jpg', 'keyword': 'text,white,black,person,cartoon,black and white,mammal,line art,font,head', 'type': 'annotate', 'metadata': '{}', 'text': 'Horror Movies 2 https://t.co/4W5skzhUEL https://t.co/6ziSncFh9o https://t.co/6CemvX8t3z', 'session_id': 'c218d8f8d25cb66f_1543645999'}
{'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 30, 11, 33, 20), 'id': 3, 'key': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ds8SX4kVsAEjatG.jpg', 'keyword': 'text,person,black and white,mammal,cartoon,font,human behavior,drawing,emotion,line', 'type': 'annotate', 'metadata': '{}', 'text': 'Heist https://t.co/pJc7tMXxHy https://t.co/SGHZ74v9IE https://t.co/hLxJTZmNw8', 'session_id': 'c218d8f8d25cb66f_1543645999'}
{'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 30, 11, 33, 20), 'id': 4, 'key': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtGuhfXU0AAXsQI.jpg', 'keyword': 'text,cartoon,person,font,black and white,human behavior,emotion,line,product,drawing', 'type': 'annotate', 'metadata': '{}', 'text': 'Popper https://t.co/vAjZnAxlfR https://t.co/ko1rUaUMbu https://t.co/RA89Finb8P', 'session_id': 'c218d8f8d25cb66f_1543645999'}
{'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 30, 11, 33, 20), 'id': 5, 'key': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dsiy7oQU0AUBNOJ.jpg', 'keyword': 'text,white,black,black and white,person,font,cartoon,line art,drawing,design', 'type': 'annotate', 'metadata': '{}', 'text': 'Update Your Address https://t.co/UOBodAheN4 https://t.co/qY0JtFfW1R https://t.co/YAhggz9CKB', 'session_id': 'c218d8f8d25cb66f_1543645999'}
{'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 30, 11, 33, 20), 'id': 6, 'key': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtRPr5dUwAAiIOA.jpg', 'keyword': 'text,person,font,black and white,cartoon,human behavior,drawing,line,diagram,paper', 'type': 'annotate', 'metadata': '{}', 'text': 'Alpha Centauri https://t.co/yJXD6jJz2M https://t.co/IUzDfu4sYF https://t.co/MNK8T8yMOF', 'session_id': 'c218d8f8d25cb66f_1543645999'}
5 results in total

Use within shell

This library provides a shell access. For demo you can see it on asciinema.

Examples first. I can get an annotated video like the demo above like:

$ TweetPI.py annotatedvideo --timeline POTUS --limit 50
7 items to be downloaded
(1/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnYrE1pX4AAMBbh.jpg
(2/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnUHepUX0AEZU1u.jpg
(3/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnaAWfsVsAAEuXG.jpg
(4/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnaAWfoVAAAQNR6.jpg
(5/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnaAWfqV4AAJ6_q.jpg
(6/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnaAWfhWwAUdk11.jpg
(7/7) Downloaded: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnU3UPDWsAsB7iX.jpg

Remember, a lot of arguments are optional, so it can be as easy as:

$ TweetPI.py list -tl
# This outputs images on my timeline
{'indices': [20, 43], 'source_status_id': 1044026378746654720, 'media_url_https': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dn0gca6X0AAl0NS.jpg', 'sizes': {'small': {'h': 680, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 382}, 'medium': {'h': 1200, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 675}, 'thumb': {'h': 150, 'resize': 'crop', 'w': 150}, 'large': {'h': 1334, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 750}}, 'id_str': '1044026361252401152', 'id': 1044026361252401152, 'display_url': 'pic.twitter.com/qeJI8ZKoxX', 'source_status_id_str': '1044026378746654720', 'source_user_id': 126581934, 'type': 'photo', 'source_user_id_str': '126581934', 'media_url': 'http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dn0gca6X0AAl0NS.jpg', 'url': 'https://t.co/qeJI8ZKoxX', 'expanded_url': 'https://twitter.com/dearemon/status/1044026378746654720/photo/1'}
{'indices': [39, 62], 'source_status_id': 1043885730798301184, 'media_url_https': 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dnygh3oXUAATZ3u.jpg', 'sizes': {'small': {'h': 680, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 510}, 'medium': {'h': 1200, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 900}, 'thumb': {'h': 150, 'resize': 'crop', 'w': 150}, 'large': {'h': 2048, 'resize': 'fit', 'w': 1536}}, 'id_str': '1043885717372489728', 'id': 1043885717372489728, 'display_url': 'pic.twitter.com/NHc37bGipd', 'source_status_id_str': '1043885730798301184', 'source_user_id': 231652942, 'type': 'photo', 'source_user_id_str': '231652942', 'media_url': 'http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dnygh3oXUAATZ3u.jpg', 'url': 'https://t.co/NHc37bGipd', 'expanded_url': 'https://twitter.com/dollywang05/status/1043885730798301184/photo/1'}
$ TweetPI.py annotate -tl
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dn0gca6X0AAl0NS.jpg: font, product, brand
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dnygh3oXUAATZ3u.jpg: child, girl, arm, black hair, hand, toddler, japanese idol, product

While it can be as complex as:

$ TweetPI.py download --timeline POTUS --limit 50 --options options.json
$ TweetPI.py annotatedvideo --timeline POTUS --limit 50 --size 640x320 --output test.mp4 --interval 1 --fontcolor 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' --fontsize 20

Acutally you don't need to execute download before you execute the video command; it will be automatically downloaded (no duplicate download!).

If you want to deep further, I highly suggest you use -h to look up the help.

usage: TweetPI.py [-h] [--version]

Tweet Photo Insight: Python library to get photos in Twitter feed, with a
video and photo annotations.

positional arguments:
    list                list images in Twitter feed
    download            download images in Twitter feed
    video               generate a video from images in Twitter feed
    annotate            get annotations of images in Twitter feed
    annotatedvideo      get annotated video of photos in Twitter feed
                        get total by session_id in db
    get_total_by_type   get total by type in db
                        get annotation keywords list in db
    search_by_keyword   search logs by keyword in db
    install_db          search logs by keyword in db

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit

You can always use -h to get help information for a specific function. For reference, here they are (please consult with -h for up-to-date help info).

$ TweetPI.py list --help
usage: TweetPI.py list [-h] --timeline [TIMELINE] [--limit LIMIT]
                       [--options OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeline [TIMELINE], -tl [TIMELINE]
                        from your home timeline or someone's user timeline
  --limit LIMIT         tweets limit
  --options OPTIONS     Init config for TweetPI library (JSON file path or
                        JSON string)
$ TweetPI.py download --help
usage: TweetPI.py download [-h] --timeline [TIMELINE] [--limit LIMIT]
                           [--options OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeline [TIMELINE], -tl [TIMELINE]
                        from your home timeline or someone's user timeline
  --limit LIMIT         tweets limit
  --options OPTIONS     Init config for TweetPI library (JSON file path or
                        JSON string)
$ TweetPI.py video --help
usage: TweetPI.py video [-h] --timeline [TIMELINE] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--options OPTIONS] [--size SIZE] [--output OUTPUT]
                        [--interval INTERVAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeline [TIMELINE], -tl [TIMELINE]
                        from your home timeline or someone's user timeline
  --limit LIMIT         tweets limit
  --options OPTIONS     Init config for TweetPI library (JSON file path or
                        JSON string)
  --size SIZE           Video size, default: 1280x720
  --output OUTPUT       Output filename, default: timeline-id.mp4
  --interval INTERVAL   Seconds per image, default: 3
$ TweetPI.py annotate --help
usage: TweetPI.py annotate [-h] --timeline [TIMELINE] [--limit LIMIT]
                           [--options OPTIONS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeline [TIMELINE], -tl [TIMELINE]
                        from your home timeline or someone's user timeline
  --limit LIMIT         tweets limit
  --options OPTIONS     Init config for TweetPI library (JSON file path or
                        JSON string)
$ TweetPI.py annotatedvideo --help
usage: TweetPI.py annotatedvideo [-h] --timeline [TIMELINE] [--limit LIMIT]
                                 [--options OPTIONS] [--size SIZE]
                                 [--output OUTPUT] [--interval INTERVAL]
                                 [--fontfile FONTFILE] [--fontcolor FONTCOLOR]
                                 [--fontsize FONTSIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeline [TIMELINE], -tl [TIMELINE]
                        from your home timeline or someone's user timeline
  --limit LIMIT         tweets limit
  --options OPTIONS     Init config for TweetPI library (JSON file path or
                        JSON string)
  --size SIZE           Video size, default: 1280x720
  --output OUTPUT       Output filename, default: timeline-id.mp4
  --interval INTERVAL   Seconds per image, default: 3
  --fontfile FONTFILE   Optional font file path (should be ttf file)
  --fontcolor FONTCOLOR
                        Optional font color, default: rgb(255, 0, 0)
  --fontsize FONTSIZE   Optional font size, default: 50

Currently images on Twitter will be downloaded to the working directory by default.

Use as a library

To make use of the library in Python, either:

  • Refer to README_demo.py;
  • Refer to the shell code in the end of TweetPI.py.

You can read the following Design diagram to learn about what's inside the library.


The following diagram is the current design of the library.

 +-------+ .get_timeline() +---------+    list(Photos)    +-----------+
 |TweetPI+---------------->+PhotoList+------------------->+  Photos   |
 +-------+                 +---------+                    +-----------+
                                |                               |
                                | .download_all()               | .download()
                                |                               |
                                |                               |
                                | .get_annotations()            | .get_annotation()
                                |                               +
                                +----> video.generate_video()


This project is licensed under MIT license.


I cannot finish this so fast without various online resources, including mature Python libraries, official reference, StackOverflow posts, and inspirations from my classmates. I have left credit to several StackOverflow posts in the source code, though they may not look like what they were on the answers, I would like to say: Thank you!