
smart contracts for the implementation of a networked money stream using the ERC1155 token standard using superfluid's CFA and IDA

Primary LanguageSolidity


How to start the project?

Navigate to your prefered directory, then run these commands in your terminal.

1. Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/phydy/MoneyStreamNetwork.git

2. Navigate to the project directory:

cd MoneyStreamNetwork

3. Install all brownie:

pip3 install eth-brownie

4. install openzepelin, chainlink and superfluid packages:

brownie pm intsall <package>

5. set your private key in the brownie-config.yaml

export PRIVATE_KEY="0xhdgfyugwOFGF..."
brownie run scripts/deploy_withMarket.py --network kovan or mumbai