
A python package for interacting with the superfluid-finance protocol in your application

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Superfluid Python Module

How to work with the package

You need to have python3 installed on your machine

Quick start

Open the terminal then run these commands in your terminal.

1. Install the project

$ pip3 install superfluid_finance

2. set your environment variables

set your environment variables for the RPC provider

if infura,

$ export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID="aF2hdgfyugwOFGF..."

if you use moralis endpoints

$ export MORALIS_{CHAIN}_URL="https://morali....."


For Alchemy,

$ export ALCHEMY_{CHAIN}_KEY= "ft3s0hDFF#....."

if you wish for another provider, open an issue on github and we will try to includ it soonest

3. Navigate to the python interpreter

$ python3
Python 3.9.7 (default, Sep 10 2021, 14:59:43) 
[GCC 11.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

4. import the package:

>>> from superfluid_finance.host import Host

Cconfirm the pachage is imported by running these commands.

NOTE: ensure you have exported the appropirate environment variables

>>> from superfluid_finance import provider
>>> provider.infura_connect(kovan)

Test the host contract of your chain by running

>>> ht = Host("kovan", "infura")
>>> ht.get_address()

Specialized examples

Working with accounts accounts

Connecting to an RPC Endpoint

Interacting with The Factory Contract

Interacting with a Super Token

Interacting with The Host Contract

Interacting with The Constant Flow Agreement

Interacting with The Instant Distribution Agreement