Please see the PhyloAcc website for full installation and usage instructions. What follows is only basic info.
If conda/mamba is already set up on your system, you can install PhyloAcc with a single command:
mamba install phyloacc
For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, see the Installation page. If you have other questions or trouble let us know by posting an issue on the github repo.
For more detailed information and example commands, see the README on the PhyloAcc website
A species tree and background substitution rate estimates in
file format from phyloFit. Example file -
Either a single concatenated alignment in FASTA format with all elements to test (Example file) AND a bed file that designates the coordinates of the elements (Example file; note that only the first 3 columns are required) OR a directory containing separate alignments for each element in FASTA format.
For the gene tree model, a species tree with the same topology as the one in the
file, but with branch lengths in coalescent units. If this isn't easily available one can be estimated from the input elements with the--theta
option, though this will increase runtime and using these elements may not result in the most accurate branch length estimates.
Use -h
to print out a help menu listing all the options.
Starting with v2.3.1, there are now two ways to specify options for
- Specifying them in a configuration file with
- Specifying them in the command line
Starting with v2.3.1, options for
can be specified either by the command line using the flags below or in a configuration file in YAML format and the using --config <config file>
We provide a configuration file template which lists all available options for
with no values specified: Config file template
In this file, options are specified in key: value pairs, with the key being the option name on the left of the colon and the desired value being to the right of the colon.
For example, I could run the program with the following command: -a alignment.fa -b loci.bed -m model.mod -t "species1;species2;species3"
OR I could specify these key value pairs in a config file phyloacc-cfg.yaml
aln_file: alignment.fa
bed_file: loci.bed
mod_file: model.mod
targets: species1;species2;species3
And then run: --config phyloacc-cfg.yaml
These are identical.
See the Config file template for a full list of key names.
For instance, if I use the same config file above, but run the command: --config phyloacc-cfg.yaml -a other_alignment.fa
then other_alignment.fa
will be used as the input alignment rather than alignment.fa
If an option is not specified in either the command line or the config file, a default value will be used, which you can read about in the table below.
For boolean options in the config file (theta_flag
, dollo_flag
, overwrite_flag
, labeltree
, summarize_flag
, filter_alns
, options_flag
, depcheck
, append_log_flag
, info_flag
, version_flag
, quiet_flag
), type true or false (or leave blank for false). In other words: --config phyloacc-cfg.yaml --overwrite
is equivalent to setting
overwrite_flag: true
in the config file and running --config phyloacc-cfg.yaml
In practice for many of these, using the command line option may be easier than changing the config file each time.
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
aln_file: [FASTA FILE] |
An alignment file with all loci concatenated. -b must also be specified. Expected as FASTA format for now. |
One of (-a and -b ) or -d is REQUIRED. |
-b [BED FILE] |
bed_file: [BED FILE] |
A bed file with coordinates for the loci in the concatenated alignment file. -a must also be specified. |
One of (-a and -b ) or -d is REQUIRED. |
-i [TEXT FILE] |
id_file: [TEXT FILE] |
A text file with locus names, one per line, corresponding to regions in the input bed file. If provided, PhyloAcc will only be run on these loci. | Optional. -a and -b must also be specified. |
aln_dir: [DIRECTORY] |
A directory containing individual alignment files for each locus. Expected as FASTA format for now. | One of (-a and -b ) or -d is REQUIRED. |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-m [MOD FILE] |
mod_file: [MOD FILE] |
A file with a background transition rate matrix and phylogenetic tree with branch lengths as output from phyloFit. | REQUIRED. |
-t "[STRING]" |
targets: [STRING] |
Tip labels in the input tree to be used as target species. Enter multiple labels separated by semi-colons (;). | REQUIRED. |
-c "[STRING]" |
conserved: [STRING] |
Tip labels in the input tree to be used as conserved species. Enter multiple labels separated by semi-colons (;). | Optional. Any species not specified in -t or -g will be inferred as conserved. |
-g "[STRING]" |
outgroup: [STRING] |
Tip labels in the input tree to be used as outgroup species. Enter multiple labels separated by semi-colons (;). | Optional. |
coal_tree: [NEWICK FILE] |
A file containing a rooted, Newick formatted tree with the same topology as the species tree in the mod file (-m ), but with branch lengths in coalescent units. |
When the gene tree model is used, one of -l or --theta must be set. |
--theta |
theta_flag: [true/false] |
Set this to add gene tree estimation with IQ-tree and species estimation with ASTRAL for estimation of the theta prior. Note that a species tree with branch lengths in units of substitutions per site is still required with -m . Also note that this may add substantial runtime to the pipeline. |
When the gene tree model is used, one of -l or --theta must be set. |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-r [st/gt/adaptive] |
run_mod: [st/gt/adaptive] |
Determines which version of PhyloAcc will be used. gt: use the gene tree model for all loci, st: use the species tree model for all loci, adaptive: use the gene tree model on loci with many branches with low sCF and species tree model on all other loci. | st |
--dollo |
dollo_flag: [true/false] |
Set this to re-enable the Dollo assumption of non-reversibility from the original model. If set, once a branch is inferred to be in an accelerated state, it and its descendants will always be in an accelerated state. | Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
--config [YAML FILE] |
NA | The path to a YAML formatted configuration file that specifies the program options (see above). Note that options specified on the command line take precedence of those specified in the config file. | Optional |
-n [INT] |
num_procs: [INT] |
The number of processes that this script should use. | 1 |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
out_dir: [DIRECTORY] |
Desired output directory. This will be created for you if it doesn't exist. | phyloacc-[date]-[time] |
--overwrite |
overwrite_flag: [true/false] |
Set this to overwrite existing files in the specified output directory. | Optional |
--labeltree |
labeltree: [true/false] |
Simply reads the tree from the input mod file (-m ), labels the internal nodes, and exits. |
Optional |
--summarize |
summarize_flag: [true/false] |
Only generate the input summary plots and page. Do not write or overwrite batch job files. | Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
--filter |
filter_alns: [true/false] |
By default, alignments with 0 informative sites are removed from the analysis. Set this to also automatically filter alignments in which 50% of sites have many gaps (>50%), or 50% of sequences have many gaps (>50%) | Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-scf [FLOAT] |
scf_branch_cutoff: [FLOAT] |
The value of sCF to consider as low for any given branch or locus. Must be between 0 and 1. | 0.5 |
-s [FLOAT] |
scf_prop: [FLOAT] |
A value between 0 and 1. If provided, this proportion of branches must have sCF below -scf to be considered for the gene tree model. Otherwise, branch sCF values will be averaged for each locus. |
Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-mcmc [INT] |
mcmc: [INT] |
The total number of steps in the Markov chain. | 1000 |
-burnin [INT] |
burnin: [INT] |
The number of steps to be discarded in the Markov chain as burnin. | 500 |
-chain [INT] |
chain: [INT] |
The number of MCMC chains to run. | 1 |
-thin [INT] |
thin: [INT] |
For the gene tree model, the number of MCMC steps between gene tree sampling. The total number of MCMC steps specified with -mcmc will be scaled by this as |
1 |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-batch [INT] |
batch_size: [INT] |
The number of loci to run per batch. | 50 |
-p [INT] |
procs_per_batch: [INT] |
The number of processes to use for each batch of PhyloAcc. | 1 |
-j [INT] |
num_jobs: [INT] |
The number of jobs (batches) to run in parallel. | 1 |
-part "[STRING]" |
cluster_part: [STRING] |
The SLURM partition or list of partitions (separated by commas) on which to run PhyloAcc jobs. | REQUIRED |
-nodes [INT] |
cluster_nodes: [INT] |
The number of nodes on the specified partition to submit jobs to. | 1 |
-mem [INT] |
cluster_mem: [INT] |
The max memory for each job in MB. | 4 |
-time [INT] |
cluster_time: [INT] |
The time in minutes to give each job. | 1 |
--local |
local_flag: [true/false] |
Set this to generate a local snakemake workflow rather than one that will be submitted through SLURM with a profile. For testing purposes. | Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-st-path [STRING] |
phyloacc_st_path: [STRING] |
The path to the PhyloAcc-ST binary. | PhyloAcc-ST |
-gt-path [STRING] |
phyloacc_gt_path: [STRING] |
The path to the PhyloAcc-ST binary. | PhyloAcc-GT |
-iqtree [STRING] |
iqtree_path: [STRING] |
When --theta is set, gene trees will be inferred with IQ-Tree. This specifies the path to the IQ-Tree executable. |
iqtree |
-coal-cmd [STRING] |
coal_cmd: [STRING] |
When --theta is set, a species tree will be inferred with branch lengths coalescent branch units. This specifies the command to infer that tree from the gene trees estimated with IQ-Tree. Currently supported programs: ASTRAL |
java -jar astral.jar |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
-phyloacc "[STRING]" |
phyloacc_opts: [STRING] |
A catch-all option for other PhyloAcc parameters. Enter as a semi-colon delimited list of options: 'OPT1 value;OPT2 value' | Optional |
--options |
options_flag: [true/false] |
Print the full list of PhyloAcc options that can be specified with -phyloacc and exit. |
Optional |
Command-line option | Config file key | Description | Default value |
--testcmd |
testcmd_flag: [true/false] |
Also print out a command to run a single batch of PhyloAcc directly (without snakemake). For testing purposes. | Optional |
--depcheck |
depcheck: [true/false] |
Run this to check that all dependencies are installed at the provided path. No other options necessary. | Optional |
--appendlog |
append_log_flag: [true/false] |
Set this to keep the old log file even if --overwrite is specified. New log information will instead be appended to the previous log file. |
Optional |
--info |
info_flag: [true/false] |
Print some meta information about the program and exit. No other options required. | Optional |
--version |
version_flag: [true/false] |
Simply print the version and exit. Can also be called as -version , -v , or --v . |
Optional |
--quiet |
quiet_flag: [true/false] |
Set this flag to prevent PhyloAcc from reporting detailed information about each step. | Optional |
-h |
NA | Print a help menu and exit. Can also be called as --help . |
Optional |