
Gem to instal xcsummary binary to create html reports for UI Test

Primary LanguageRuby


Gem to instal xcsummary binary to create html reports for UI Test


1.- Download this project and use in terminal the 'install' gem command in the source path

 gem install xcreporter 

2.- Run your UI test using -resultBundlePath as parameter where the screen shots are stored

 xcodebuild test -workspace YourProject.xcworkspace -scheme YourProjectScheme -resultBundlePath '<path_to_results>' 

3.- Now you can run the command 'xcsummary' that throws and HTML formatted file

xcsummary -in ~/Desktop/build/1_Test/action_TestSummaries.plist -out ~/Develop/build/reports/result.html


1.- Why didn't you use xcpretty?

Well, because there's is a catch. You must use Xcode command to take screenshots in order to change their name, because xcode create the screenshot originally as: Screenshot_0BA16EF6-FE9B-444F-A330-395789A6A5AD

      class MainWindowScreenshotTests: XCTestCase {
          func testTakeScreenshotOfMainWindow() {        
              let app = XCUIApplication()
              let screenshot = app.windows.firstMatch.screenshot()
              let attachment = XCTAttachment(screenshot: screenshot)
              attachment.lifetime = .keepAlways

So you must change the name of each screen shot to either TESTSUITE_TESTMETHOD, or just TESTMETHOD in a tear down step.

You can read the thread mention in here: xcpretty/xcpretty#251

But in our case we weren't using any screenshot from XCUIApplication and that meant to change all the test (no way José). Then I find out this repo https://github.com/MacPaw/xcsummary that does exactly what I wanted to, attaching the failed or success screenshots taken always by Xcode and creating a HTML style reporter.

What I did was modifing some styling and creating a gem to install it easly.