
Collection of Mozilla MathML add-ons or installers

Primary LanguageXSLT


The goal of the Mathzilla Project is to provide add-ons or installers to extend Mozilla products with new MathML-related features:


Source of the MathML Copy add-on. You need JetPack to build it.


Source of the MathJax Native MathML add-on. You need JetPack to build it.


Source of the MathML-ctop and MathML-mml3ff add-ons and the scripts to generate them. They essentially apply David Carlisle's ctop stylesheets to MathML elements.

To build the extension, move into mathml-fonts/, edit the config file (if necessary) and type make. You should find generated mathml-ctop.xpi and mathml-mml3ff files.


Source of the mathml-fonts extension, which adds mathematical fonts necessary for Gecko's MathML engine (in WOFF format) and automatically attachs to each page a CSS style sheet with @font-face rules to load the fonts.

The extension is automatically built from the MathML-fonts.zip archive available on Mozilla MathML Project page. It converts odt fonts into woff using Jonathan Kew's sfnt2woff tool.

To build the extension, move into mathml-fonts/, edit the config file (if necessary) and type make. You should find a generated mathml-fonts.xpi file.


Source of the MathML fonts Windows installer. Instructions on how to build it are given in MathML-fonts.wxs.


See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=770005


This is a set of patches to add a mathparser extension to mozilla-central. Warning: They are no longer maintained. They should probably be rewritten and integrated directly to mozilla-central.

  1. Install GNU bison if it is not present on your system.
  2. Apply these patches to your sources from mozilla-central, in that order: mathparser-base.diff, mathparser-utils.diff, A mathparser-dictionary.diff, mathparser-simple.diff A mathparser-itex.diff.
  3. Enable the mathparser extension: ac_add_options --enable-extensions=default,mathparser
  4. Compile Mozilla
  5. Once the build is complete, you should have mathparser available in the add-on menu. You should also find an XPI in your objdir: dist/xpi-stage/mathparser.xpi

You can test the parser with mathzilla-parser.xhtml

For itex2MML commands, see

The idl interface of nsIMathParser is:

const short MATHPARSER_MODE_SIMPLE     = 0;
const short MATHPARSER_MODE_ITEX       = 1;

attribute short   parsingMode;
attribute boolean reportErrors;
attribute boolean splitMiTokens;

nsIDOMElement parse(in nsIDOMDocument aDocument,
                    in AString        aString);


Sources for the mathzilla add-on. This is experimental, I need to update them to be compatible with future versions of Mozilla Add-on SDK.