
This sprint describes strategies to deploying web and other software, plus a lesson in using GCP to build continuous deployment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DevOps and Deployment


The main objective of this lab is to expose you to concepts relating to dev ops and deployment. You'll be walked through the steps needed in order to deploy an application you've built to Google Cloud Platform, but it's important to understand that this particular set of steps has only been tested to work on a particular environment (namely, the environment of the instructor who authored this repository). So, it is definitely possible that you will run into issues related to your own environment that were not anticipated by the repository author. If that happens to you, do your best to debug the issue with the help of instructors, but don't worry if you end up not finishing the lab as a result. There are lots of moving parts to creating a deployment pipeline, and it's a lot of work that typically requires the full-time attention of multiple dev ops engineers and a lot more time than just two days. We just want to expose you guys to these concepts, not because we're preparing you guys for dev ops jobs coming out of Lambda, but because it is good to have an idea of how the process of creating a deployment pipeline is done.

Now that you've created a Docker image or two, it's time to build out an entire deployment pipeline. Like the Docker mini lab, this one will mostly be going following instructions as well, since there are many parts to establishing a deployment pipeline.

The overall high-level steps we'll be going through are:

  • Creating an account on Google Cloud Platform
  • Getting the GCP SDK up and running locally
  • Creating a GCP project
  • Building and running a Docker image of the included backend and frontend repos
  • Creating a deployment specification file
  • Creating a Kubernetes cluster to deploy our Docker images
  • Exposing our newly-deployed service to the internet
  • Scaling up the service
  • Cleaning up

Creating an Account on GCP

To create an account on GCP, sign in to the GCP console at https://console.cloud.google.com/. If you're a first-time user of GCP, you'll be give $300 in credit for you to use. This is important since each project you create on GCP will require billing information, which you will need to enter, but it's nice that you are provided a cushion.

Getting the GCP SDK Up and Running Locally

While a lot of these steps can be done from inside the online GCP console, it's preferable that you install the Google Cloud SDK locally. Visit this link in order to download the SDK for your platform. Once the download completes, unzip the archive and run the installation script with ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh. Once that completes, make sure the gcloud command is accessible from your command line. If it isn't, you'll most likely need to source it in your bash profile with source [PATH_TO_GOOGLE_CLOUD_SDK/google-cloud-sdk/path.bash.inc. This is contingent on you using bash as your default shell, and are on a Mac or Linux machine. If you're using zsh as your default shell, there's a separate path.zsh.inc file that you'll want to source instead inside of your .zshrc. If you're on a Windows, you'll have to figure that out on your own if the gcloud command` isn't working for you. There's a Windows quick start guide you can find here and an installion guide here that will hopefully help.

Once you've determined that the gcloud command is accessible from your command line, type gcloud init and follow the instructions to configure your gcloud environment. Once that completes, type in

$ gcloud components install kubectl

to install the Kubernetes command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters.

Creating a GCP Project

Now it's time to create a GCP project that we'll want to deploy. You'll want to create one from the web UI. Name it something where you will be able to differentiate between the backend repository and the frontend repository, since we will need to create separate projects for them via the GCP web UI console. Once you've created the project and taken note of the project ID, you'll want to export the project ID to an environment variable so that it will be aliased for you by typing

$ export PROJECT_ID="YOUR_PROJECT_ID"    # The double quotes are necessary in this case

Building and Running a Docker Image

This step should hopefully be somwhat familiar to you by now. We'll first be creating a Docker image of the backend repository inside the /backend directory. Your Dockerfile should look like this:

FROM node:8.7
COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["npm", "start"]

Now we'll build the Docker image with

$ docker build -t gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/lambda-backend-devops:v1 .

Here, v1 is the tag of the image, and our iamge name needs to be prefaced with gcr.io since we'll be deploying it to Google's Container Registry.

Run the Docker image you just built with

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/lambda-backend-devops:v1

Now you can curl localhost:8080 to ensure that the backend container is up and running.

Initializing a Kubernetes Cluster

In order to initialize a brand new Kubernetes cluster, run

$ gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER NAME HERE] \
      --num-nodes=2 \
      --zone=[ZONE YOU'RE LOCATED IN] \
      --machine-type n1-standard-1 \

The list of GCP regions and zones can be found here. Pick the zone that is geographically closest to you.

Now you'll need to connect your kubectl client to your cluster by running

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER NAME HERE] --zone=[YOUR ZONE HERE]

So now we have a docker image and a cluster. We want to deploy that image to our cluster and start the containers so that requests to them can be served.

Upload Docker Image to Google Container Registry

We need to push our built Docker image to the container registry now with

$ gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/lambda-backend-devops:v1

If you receive a message saying that your access to the Google Container Registry API was denied, visit the URL that the error message displays in order to enable API access, then re-run the command again.

Creating a Deployment Specification File

Now it's time to prepare for deployment. The first thing we'll need to do is create a deployment.yml file. It'll look like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: [YOUR PROJECT ID HERE] # You'll need to manually type this out. The environment variable won't work
  replicas: 2
      labels: # labels to select/identify the deployment
        app: [YOUR PROJECT ID HERE]
    spec:     # pod spec                  
      - name: [YOUR PROJECT ID HERE] 
        image: gcr.io/[YOUR PROJECT ID HERE]/lambda-backend-devops:v1  # image we pushed
        - containerPort: 8080

This file specifies the creation of two pods where each pod is defined by the given pod spec. Each pod should have a container containing our lambda-backend-devops:v1 Docker image that we pushed.

Creating a Cluster to Deploy our Docker Images

After setting up our deployment specification file, we can run

$ kubectl create -f deployment.yml --save-config

If that completed successfully, you'll then be able to see your deployment status by running kubectl get deployments. To view the pod created by your deployment, run kubectl get pods to get a list of the running pods. Note that there are two pods running because we specified that 2 replicas be created in our deployment specification.

To make sure the server started, you can check its logs by running kubectl logs {POD NAME}. This will print out the name of your deployment if it was deployed successfully.

Expose your Service to the Internet

In order to expose our deployed software to the internet, we need to place our containers behind a load balancer. In order to do that, we need to create a new Kubernetes service. We can do so with the following command:

$ kubectl expose deployment [NAME OF YOUR DEPLOYMENT] --type="LoadBalancer"

This will instantiate a Kubernetes service that handles a Google Cloud load balancer to manage traffic to your deployed containers.

Now, run kubectl get services to get the public IP address of your service. With that, you can visit http://[PUBLIC IP]:[PORT] in order to access your newly-deployed service! From here, you would purchase a domain name from a domain supplier to point to this IP and port number.

Scaling Your Service

You can easily scale the number of replicas by changing the replicas field in your deployment.yml file. After editing the file, run kubectl apply -f deployment.yml to apply the changes. While we mentioned autoscaling in the lecture, it is non-trivial to setup. If you're curious, here are some docs on how autoscaling can be achieved.

Cleaning Up

At the end of all this, unless you want these deployed projects to eat away at your GCP credit, you'll need to go clean them up.

# Delete the Kubernetes load balancer service 
$ kubectl delete service/[NAME OF YOUR DEPLOYMENT]

# Delete the Kubernetes deployment itself
$ kubectl delete deployment/[NAME OF YOUR DEPLOYMENT]

# Delete your GCP cluster
$ gcloud container clusters delete [YOUR CLUSTER NAME] --zone=[YOUR ZONE]

In Summary

We've gone and deployed a single node.js application using GCP, Docker, and Kubernetes. As was mentioned in the lecture, all of the different pieces of your source code will all need to be deployed in the same way. Now, follow the same flow to deploy the included frontend repository to GCP. It won't be exactly the same of course, names will have to be changed and the like, but the overall flow should be pretty similar. If you get through that, don't forget to clean up all the services, clusters, and deployments you created!