
Deep Q Network for flappy bird

Primary LanguagePython


Deep Q Network for flappy bird.


Based on DeepLearningFlappyBird

Changes made:

  1. Feed greyscale image to model, instead of binary
  2. Initial epsilon to 0.5, to converge faster
  3. Add TensorBoard (tensorboard --logdir=summary), Graph
  4. Visualize Q change over iterations, following idea from DeepMind's paper. Q
  5. Visualize network layers. Layer


conda.environment.yml, check this


  1. train

Model are saved under saved_model. 5 models are uploaded. 2. play

1k frames are played using last trained model. Frames and states are saved under frames_states. Frames are then merged to gif (convert -delay 10 -loop 0 frames_states/frame*.png animation.gif) 3. eval

Evaluate each model on 1k states 4. visualize

Plot each layer using two ways, tensorflow and matplotlib