
Onset detection for C# using the Spectral Flux algorithm

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

Onset Detection

Created in C#, this can be used to detect onsets (the notes in a song) by using the Spectral Flux algorithm. The Hamming Window Function is also used to reduce false positives. MP3 and WAV files are supported.
Created for an undergraduate final year independent project.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMfhnrMsfa4

Screenshot of the sample project. alt text

The blue line on the graph marks the current position in the song.
The green line shows the spectral flux.
The red line shows the running average + an offset.
An onset is detected whenever the green line peaks above the red line.

Using this project

You'll need AudioAnalysis.cs, LomontFFT.cs, FFT.cs and OnsetDetection.cs. You'll also need NAudio 1.7 included in your project.
Create an instance of AudioAnalysis.cs, this acts as an interface to all the functions available.
"ProjectSampleGame\ProjectConceptGame\ProjectConceptGame\Game1.cs" shows an example of using the project. The main functions to focus on are AnalyseSong and PlaceBeats at the bottom of the file.
No documentation anytime soon until I come back to this unless there's a sudden spike in interest.

Building the project

The project was developed within the sample environment.
You will need Visual Studio 2010 and XNA 4.0 installed to run and build the sample project. Alternatively you can copy the 4 files into your own project.

Third party libraries include: