
One-Command — uWSGI on Python 3

Primary LanguageShell

One-Command — uWSGI on Python 3

Simple and Fast way to set an environment for python 3. Virtualenv, Cython and uWSGI are installed by this configuration. This repo is intended for server with only one site. It SHOULD work only on Debian based distro.

This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


One-Command Install

Run this perfect command.

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/piNot3/pyDev/master/script.sh)

That's it!

To get in the environment workspace

To use python, pip, you have to run this command.

source /var/web/env/bin/activate

To exit, just type deactivate

To install your package without activating the environment workspace

Use pip from virtualenv to achieve it.

/var/web/env/bin/pip install django                   # Django
/var/web/env/bin/pip install flask                    # Flask
/var/web/env/bin/pip install --no-binary :all: falcon # Falcon

Other Python Web Frameworks here

For Koding

If you're using Koding, you have to stop and disable apache BEFORE executing the One-Command Install.

sudo service apache2 stop
sudo update-rc.d apache2 disable

My Two Cents

➜ Right click on folder "web" » Workspace from here

For NitrousIO

If you're using Nitrous.io, you have to change your port to 3000.

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/uwsgi
sudo service nginx restart

My Two Cents

➜ Right click on folder "web" » Set "web" As Root