
Optimization of an algorithm for finding the median k-mer of a DNA sequence.

Primary LanguageJava

Justin Mancinelli

Complete assignment 2 for COMP3506 at the University of Queensland

	Incrementally optimize an algorithm for finding the median k-mer of a DNA
	Pseudo-code was given for a naive implementation so I first implemented
	that. Then, I added the branch-and-bound mechanism which significantly
	sped things up. Then, I implemented the trie to store k-mers which allowed
	me to optimize the algorithm to search promising k-mers first which sped
	things up slightly more.
	MedianKMer.java has the final two implementations which I benchmarked for
	the final report.
	benchmark.* -- The way I benchmarked the implementations. Results are put
		into a CSV file for later analysis.
	motif.* -- Classes required for the algorithm. I don't think I changed 
		anything other than MedianKMer.java and TrieKMer.java.
	10COMP3506Assignment2.pdf -- The assignment specification.
	*.PNG -- Pivot charts out of Excel
	*.csv -- Results of benchmarking (may not be named correctly)
	report.* -- The final report.