
Optimizing SGEMM kernel functions on NVIDIA GPUs to a close-to-cuBLAS performance.

Primary LanguageCudaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

How to optimize SGEMM on NVIDIA GPUs

"HPC is all about reducing data movement". Optimizing GEMM on GPU and CPU platforms share the same idea: to hide the memory latency with massive parallelism, cache-/register-level data re-use, and manual prefetching. On CPUs, both instruction-level and data-level parallelisms are exploited as well as delicate prefetching schemes are designed to hide the memory latency. Meanwhile, we partition the input matrices and pack them before computing to ensure a "smooth and low-latancy" computing kernel. The prefetching for matrix C is especially critical to the CPU GEMM performance.

On GPUs, we also need to take advantage of the low-latency "cache" --- shared memory. There are rich opportunities on GPUs for us to exploit data re-use on both shared memory level and register level. More details could be found in the official document of CUTLASS.

All questions are encouraged to send to yujiazhai94@gmail.com.

Hardware platforms and software configurations

  • We compiled the program with gcc 7.3.0 under Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.
  • NVIDIA cuBLAS version: CUDA cuBLAS

How to run

Just three steps.

  • We first modify the path of nvcc in Makefile.
  • Second, type in make to compile. A binary executable sgemm_gpu will be generated.
  • Third, run the binary using ./sgemm_gpu [kernel_number], where kernel_number selects the kernel for benchmark. 0 represents NVIDIA cuBLAS and 1-11 represent 11 kernels demonstrating the optimizing strategies.

Step-wise Optimizations

Here we take the column-major implemetation for SGEMM. Both A and B are not transposed.

Kernel 1 (naive version)

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Kernel 1 is the most naive implementation of SGEMM in CUDA. This is the triple-for-loop implementation with register re-use when updating C(i,j). In this version, each threa block (TB) is responsible for a 32x32 sub-block of C, and each thread computes only a single element of the C matrix.

Kernel 2 (Kernel1 + 32x32x32 tiling)

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Kernel2 partitions the matrix A and matrix B into 32x32 blocks. These 32x32 blocks are loaded into shared memory before being loaded for GEMM computation. When loading the data into shared memory (this is called as packing in CPU GEMM), each thread is responsible to load/store one element and we set 1024 threads per TB using __launch_bounds__(1024). After packing is completed, all the threads are synchronized and then start to compute for their own element. Since each TB is still to compute a 32x32 matrix C, each thread remains to take a single element of C. In short, this version adds cache blocking upon the previous version, with the parameter set {Ms,Ns,Ks}={32,32,32}.


Kernel 3 (minor update on Kernel2)

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We bring a simple optimization upon kernel 2 here: storing threadIdx.x before re-using it massively, in order to reduce living registers and benefit the compiler optimization. The performance slightly improves in this step.


Kernel 4 (kernel 3 + reducing bank conflictions on shared memory)

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In the previous version, the memory access on the shared memory is not ideal. We re-ordered the memory access pattern on the shared memory: making the shared memory col-major but transposing matrix B when packing it into the shared memory. This doubles the performance.


Kernel 5 (kernel4 + 4x1 micro kernel)

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In this step, we ask each thread to compute 4 elements for the C matrix. Therefore, we now have 256 threads in a TB to compute the 32x32 matrix C that the TB is responsible for. Using the CPU-GEMM language, the micro kernel's shape is: 4x1: that is to say, after the packing routine completes, each thread loads a 4x1 A and an 1x1 B and computes C(4x1) += A(4x1)*B(1x1). Starting from this step, we restrict 256 threads for each TB.


Kernel 6 (kernel5 + vectorized load/store)

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Since our target machine supports a 128-bit transaction from the DRAM, we can apply the vectorized load operation using the float4 data type.


Kernel 7 ({Ms,Ns,Ks}={64,64,16}, {Mr,Nr}={4,4})

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Considering there are sufficient registers (64K) for a TB while we only assign 256 threads for each TB, it should be safe, in terms of the performance, for us to assign more workloads to each thread. Now we ask each thread to compute a 4x4 sub-matrix of C so we gain massive data re-use at the register level compared with the previous step.

Additionally, when the input matrices are large, we can increase Ms and Ns and maintain enough TBs to map to streaming multiprocessors. Here we increase {Ms,Ns} from the previous {32,32} to {64,64} but decreased the Ks from 32 to 16 to maintain the same shared memory consumption. Since everything but the two parameters Ms,Ns are different, we deduce that the asking TBs to do more jobs benefits the performance when the input matrices are large enough.


Kernel 8 ({Ms,Ns,Ks}={128,128,8}, {Mr,Nr}={8,8})

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Assign more workloads for each TB AND each thread.


Kernel 9 (Kernel 8 + warp-level tiling/parallelism)

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Since each warp contains 32 threads and the memory accesses to the same memory address in shared memory within the same warp can be coalesced, we introduce a {Mw,Nw}={4xMr,8xNr} to benefit the warp-level parallelism. We refer readers to (Huang, 2018) for more details.


Kernel 10 (Kernel9 + prefetching (Huang, 2018))

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Kernel 11 (Kernel10 + double buffer to cancel a sync.)

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We introduce the double buffer strategy for the shared memory buffers to cancel an unnecessary syncthreads inside the loop body, pushing the performance to the limit.


Compare with cuBLAS


The performance of our best kernel is mostly same as the close-source NVIDIA cuBLAS. Let us compute their efficiencies here. Peak performance of NVIDIA RTX 2080 Super (GFLOPS) = boost frequency (GHz) * # of CUDA cores * 2 (FMA). Therefore, we have peak perf = 1.815 GHz * 3072 * 2 = 11151.36 GFLOPS = 11.15 TFLOPS. Our best performance is 10.384 TFLOPS, while NVIDIA cuBLAS' best perf is 10.717 TFLOPS, both are observed at the largest input: 6144x6144x6144 SGEMM. Translating into efficiency, we reach 93.1% of the peak perf while cuBLAS reaches 96.1% of the peak.

Some extra notes

It should be noted that the efficiency of both ours and cuBLAS can further increase when we feed them with larger input matrices. This is because introducing more parallelisms helps to better hide the latency. To shorten the test time on my local machine, I trunctate test cases at such a small input (m=n=k=6144). I would encourage interested readers to do more tests by oneself. In addition, one might also be interested in the performance of irregularly shaped SGEMM, such as i) tall-and-skinny matrices or ii) matrices when k is much larger than both m and n. For the tall-and-skinny matrices, one could choose different parameters on macro kernels, micro kernels and the warp-level tiling. For the later case where k is much larger than m and n, one needs to obtain parallelisms by splitting k with a mutex lock added --- this is indeed more complicated but one could still borrow brilliant ideas from source codes of CUTLASS.