
Generate HTML summary from apiDoc

Primary LanguageJavaScript

apiDoc Summary

Generate an HTML summary page from the api_data.json file created by apiDoc min version 0.17. The summary is a table with HTML methods as columns (by default: GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE) and the grouped endpoints as the rows. Endpoint descriptions fill in the cells.

apiDocSummary Example image

Call from Gulp like so, making sure that the apiDoc task runs first:

const apidocSummary = require('apidoc-summary');


gulp.task('apidoc-summary', ['apidoc'], function(cb){
    src: __dirname + '/public/docs/api_data.json', //required
    dest: __dirname + '/public/docs/summary.html',  //required
    columns: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'] //optional
  }, cb);

The options src and dest parameters are required. Optionally, a columns parameter can be passed with an array of the HTTP methods that should be output. At least one method should be passed.