
Chrome extension that allows you to see the current tab's query string values in a clean form.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

![Alt Query String Values] (https://raw.github.com/acolchado/query-string-values-extension/master/extension/img/icon-38.png) Query String Values Chrome Extension

Chrome extension that allows you to see the current tab's query string values in a clean form.

![Alt Query String Values] (https://raw.github.com/acolchado/query-string-values-extension/master/docs/Screenshot.JPG)

Install from the Google Chrome Store

Visit the Query String Values extension page at the Google Chrome Store

Install Manually

I have not yet published this extension to the Chrome Store, it takes longer to package than to create, but for now you can install directly.

The steps are for Mac/Linux, but apply to Windows and others, with some adjustments.

Clone the repo to an easy to reach directory

$ mkdir ~/Code
$ cd ~/Code
$ git clone git@github.com:acolchado/query-string-values-extension.git

or https

$ git clone https://github.com/acolchado/query-string-values-extension.git

Go to the Chrome extensions manager.

$ open chrome://extensions/

From the Extensions Manager follow these steps:

  • Make sure that "Developer mode" is enabled
  • Click "Load unpacked extension..."
  • Navigate to the repo directory and select the "extension" directory
    • Should be ~/Code/query-string-values-extension/extension


Run tests with

grunt karma

Using the extension

I haven't created a cool looking icon for this yet, but next to the navigation bar, you should see this icon ![Alt Query String Values] (https://raw.github.com/acolchado/query-string-values-extension/master/extension/img/icon-16.png), click it and you will see all of the query string values.


If you have any suggestions, please submit them as a pull request. I will take a look and integrate if desired.

