A friendly wrapper for mpi4py that allows maps to run on each mpi thread.
Importing MPI_Map.MPI_Map will allow easy parallel mapping:
y = MPI_map(f, range(1500))
where each job is sent to a separate core, when started like:
mpirun -n 4 python MPI_map.py
To time on a simple test:
time mpirun -n 2 python MPI_map.py
time mpirun -n 10 python MPI_map.py
mpi4py (apt-get install works best when mpich2 is also apt-get installed)
multiprocessing (for parallel buffered i/o on the host)
Put this library somewhere--mine lives in /home/piantado/Libraries/SimpleMPI/
Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to SimpleMPI/:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/piantado/Desktop/Libraries/SimpleMPI
You can put this into your .bashrc file to make it loaded automatically when you open a terminal. On ubuntu and most linux, this is:
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/piantado/Desktop/Libraries/SimpleMPI' >> ~/.bashrc
And you should be ready to use the library
This still has some dependencies with LOTlib (e.g. dprintn) which should be removed!