
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


How to train

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Main Idea

There are two track I've been trying

  1. Reproduction of kaggle-birdclef2021-2nd-place
  2. TimmSED with scored birds selective mixup
  • While training I made two dataloader with same batch train_dataloader, scored_brids_mixup_dataloader.
  • scored_brids_mixup_dataloader is the dataloader which only has scored_birds audio from train set
  • In every batch do mixup with train_set + scored_birds_set(kind of overfitting)
  • model will see scored birds around 10 times than other class audio
  1. give penalty
  • with selective mixup, model can be overfitted with scored birds, and especially high frequency scored birds(skyalr, houfin, etc..), so trained model show very high confidence score in high frequency scored birds
  • so I have a penalty to that class depending on distribution of class train.primary_label.value_counts()[scored_birds_list] It seems like
scored_value = train_df.primary_label.value_counts()[conf.model.scored_columns]
scored_factor = scored_value / sum(scored_value)

for i, scored_column in enumerate(conf.model.scored_columns):
    df_preds[scored_column] = df_preds[scored_column] - scored_factor.values[i] * 0.4
  1. quantile threshold
  • to make ensemble flexable, I used quantile threshold 0.85(kaggle-birdclef2021)

Basic Consensus


  • 30sec random crop(birdclef2021-2nd-place)

  • Use the audio rating for weighting the recordings contribution to the loss(birdclef2021-2nd-place)

  • Label smoothing +0.01 to everything (birdclef2021-2nd-place)

    ex [0.1, 1, 0.1, 0,1,...]


  • only use backgroundnoise(ff1010bird_nocall, train_soundscapes_2021, aicrowd2020_noise_30sec)


  • BCEFocal2WayLoss
  • BCEFocalLoss(timm_007, timm_008)


  • torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR


  • F32 training(I don't know why, if I use mixed precision training with pytorch ligthing loss will be explored)


  • Stratifiedkfold on primary_label, only validate scored birds(some fold dosen't have all of scored birds)
  • I think it's better to use bootstrap based validation(n sampling)


  1. TimmSED
  • Baseline model
  1. TimmSEDPartGPU
  • TimmSED with 6x 5sec parts training(Idea from birdclef2021-2nd-place)
  1. Conformer : didn't work
  2. FDY : didn't work
  3. HTS-Audio-Transformer : didn't work

Main Idea

  1. Public : 0.79
  • TimmSEDGPUpart with scored birds selective mixup
  • backbond : tf_efficientnet_b0_ns
  • 5 folds ensemble
  • give penalty
  • threshold : np.quantile(scored_birds.flatten(), 0.85)
  • Inference Time : 3hours
  1. Public : 0.75
  • Reproduction of birdclef2021-2nd-place(binary classification + cfg_ps_12_v21.py 4folds)
  • I train this model without validation(4fold ensemble)
  • threshold : 0.02
  • Inference Time : 3hours

Next try

  • other backbone with best score model
  • train with 2021 datasets + selective mixup
  • selective mixup with birdclef2021-2nd-place mode(public 0.75)
  • undersample selective mixup(because of large distribution class)
  • classwise threshold(penalty might be danger in my opinion for private score)