
A simple social media application using Go, GraphQL, and MongoDB. Includes features for creating users, posts, and following other users, with real-time updates via GraphQL subscriptions.

Primary LanguageGo

Social Media GraphQL


This project is a basic social media application built with Go, GraphQL, and MongoDB. It allows users to create accounts, post content, follow other users, and receive real-time updates on new posts from followed users.


  • Create and manage user accounts.
  • Post content and view posts from followed users.
  • Real-time updates on new posts through GraphQL subscriptions.

Getting Started


  • Make sure you have Docker installed on your machine.


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/mahdi-eth/social-media-graphql.git
    cd social-media-graphql
  2. Build and Run with Docker

     docker-compose up --build
    • This command will set up and run MongoDB and the application. You can access the application at http://localhost:8080.
  3. Access GraphQL Playground