Two algorithms of Sequence Alignment

Project of USC CSCI570

Project Description

The project is related to the implementation of the two different solutions for the Sequence Alignment problem.

For the basic algorithm, it uses dynamic programming (dp) to solve the problem. For the efficient algorithm, it combines dp and 'divide and conquer' to solve the problem. It's more efficient on it's space complexity.

For the project description in details, please view the CSCI570_Spring_FinalProject.pdf.

Run the basic and efficient algs using commands as follows:

bash input.txt output.txt
bash input.txt output.txt

(Be sure the input.txt file exists, or change to any filename you want to input)

Datapoints And Charts

M+N Time in MS (Basic) Time in MS (Efficient) Memory in KB (Basic) Memory in KB (Efficient)
16 0.05316734313964844 0.1499652862548828 4 12
64 0.5869865417480469 1.1839866638183594 48 16
128 2.1970272064208984 4.136085510253906 172 28
256 8.646249771118164 14.66989517211914 712 64
384 18.947839736938477 33.38217735290527 1608 80
512 33.06126594543457 56.799888610839844 2760 84
768 79.86688613891602 130.51915168762207 6108 104
1024 146.70896530151367 230.08084297180176 10740 228
1280 232.19680786132812 352.85115242004395 16704 256
1536 337.2800350189209 500.92291831970215 24336 412
2048 607.5329780578613 906.174898147583 42772 424
2560 927.3970127105713 1397.5167274475098 66456 552
3072 1365.427017211914 1984.7710132598877 94532 712
3584 1855.2932739257812 2781.5098762512207 131128 776
3968 2291.757106781006 3482.067108154297 140948 876

Insight and Explaination

As M+N increases, the time and memory of both algorithms increase obviously.

In terms of running speed (time), when M+N increases, the Efficient algorithm is always slower than the Basic algorithm, but the running time of the Efficient algorithm is always about 1.5 times longer than that of the Basic algorithm.

In terms of memory usage, the Efficient algorithm uses more memory than the Basic algorithm when M+N is small at the beginning. But once M+N starts to increase, the Efficient algorithm will use less memory, and the memory usage gap between the two algorithms will become larger and larger.

For the Basic Algorithm, it stores the entire solution table, which is a table have M columns and N rows. So, the space complicity will be O(MN), which is polynomial.

For the Memory Efficient Algorithm, it only stores two columns ad N rows, because the solution will be returned recursively, we don’t need to store the hole table. So, the space complicity will be O(N), which is linear. While, when the M+N is small, the Memory Efficient Algorithm may use more memory because the algorithm requires more space to swap two rows of data.

So, just like it shows in Graph1, the Memory Efficient Algorithm will have a huge improvement for the memory space complexity when the size of problem growing.

For the Basic Algorithm, it take M*N times to fill the solution space. And every time we fill the cell using constant time using recursion formula. So, the time complicity will be O(MN), which is polynomial.

For the Memory Efficient Algorithm, in the root level of recursion, the dividing issue will takes time CMN. The next level will take time 1/2CMN, and 1/4CMN …… So, add all them up it will take time 2CMN, which equals to O(MN). While it has the same time complicity with the Basic Algorithm, we can find that Memory Efficient Algorithm is always slower than the Basic Algorithm, it is because there will be more operations when dividing and conquering. For calling function recursively, swapping two columns, computing the solution space over and over times when dividing(but the space size will become more and more smaller), it all cost time. So, in Graph2, we can see Memory Efficient Algorithm cost more time, but they are still in the same bound O(MN), which is polynomial.

shell commands for generating data points of charts

sh datapoints/in1.txt datapoints/out1b.txt 
sh datapoints/in2.txt datapoints/out2b.txt 
sh datapoints/in3.txt datapoints/out3b.txt 
sh datapoints/in4.txt datapoints/out4b.txt 
sh datapoints/in5.txt datapoints/out5b.txt 
sh datapoints/in6.txt datapoints/out6b.txt 
sh datapoints/in7.txt datapoints/out7b.txt 
sh datapoints/in8.txt datapoints/out8b.txt 
sh datapoints/in9.txt datapoints/out9b.txt 
sh datapoints/in10.txt datapoints/out10b.txt 
sh datapoints/in11.txt datapoints/out11b.txt 
sh datapoints/in12.txt datapoints/out12b.txt 
sh datapoints/in13.txt datapoints/out13b.txt 
sh datapoints/in14.txt datapoints/out14b.txt 
sh datapoints/in15.txt datapoints/out15b.txt 

sh datapoints/in1.txt datapoints/out1e.txt
sh datapoints/in2.txt datapoints/out2e.txt
sh datapoints/in3.txt datapoints/out3e.txt
sh datapoints/in4.txt datapoints/out4e.txt
sh datapoints/in5.txt datapoints/out5e.txt
sh datapoints/in6.txt datapoints/out6e.txt
sh datapoints/in7.txt datapoints/out7e.txt
sh datapoints/in8.txt datapoints/out8e.txt
sh datapoints/in9.txt datapoints/out9e.txt
sh datapoints/in10.txt datapoints/out10e.txt
sh datapoints/in11.txt datapoints/out11e.txt
sh datapoints/in12.txt datapoints/out12e.txt
sh datapoints/in13.txt datapoints/out13e.txt
sh datapoints/in14.txt datapoints/out14e.txt
sh datapoints/in15.txt datapoints/out15e.txt