
Marlin/MPCNC posts processor for Fusion 360

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Fusion 360 CAM posts processor for MPCNC

This is modified fork of https://github.com/guffy1234/mpcnc_posts_processor that was originally forked https://github.com/martindb/mpcnc_posts_processor.

CAM posts processor for use with Fusion 360 and MPCNC.

Supported firmwares:

  • Marlin 2.0
  • Repetier firmware 1.0.3 (not tested. gcode is same as for Marlin)
  • GRBL 1.1
  • RepRap firmware (Duet3d)


  • The post processor has three .cps files.
  • Each .csp file is considered by F360 to be a seperate Post Processor.
  • Currently each .cps file depends on DIYCNC_common.js.
  • Can not use F360 Manage->Post Library menu to install the post processor as the DIYCNC_common.js will not be installed.
  • Instead copy the .cps file and DIYCNC_common.js to the F360 install director or use the ... to select to the post processor's directory when running the post processor.

Some design points:

  • Setup operation types: Milling, Water/Laser/Plasma

  • Support mm and Inches units (but all properties MUST be set in MM)

  • Rapids movements use seperate G0 moves, first to move in Z and then to move in XY. Moves use independent travel speeds for XY and Z.

  • Arcs support on XY plane (Marlin/Repetier/RepRap) or all panes (Grbl)

  • Tested with LCD display and SD card (built in tool change require printing from SD and LCD to restart)

  • Support for 3 different laser power using "cutting modes" (through, etch, vaporize)

  • Support 2 coolant channels. You may attach relays to control external devices - as example air jet valve.

  • Customizable level of verbosity of comments

  • Support line numbers

  • Support GRBL laser mode (be noted that you probably to have enabled laser mode $32=1)



Group 1: Job Properties

Use these properties to control overall aspects of the job.

Title Description Default
Job: Duet: Milling Mode GCode command to setup Duet3d milling mode. "M453 P2 I0 R30000 F200"
Job: Duet: Laser Mode GCode command to setup Duet3d laser mode. "M452 P2 I0 R255 F200"
Job: Goto 0 at end Go X0 Y0 at gcode end. Useful to find if your machine loss steeps or have any other mechanic issue (like loose pulleys). Also useful for repetitive jobs. Only apply if not using gcodeStopFile. true
Job: Marlin: Manual Spindle On/Off Set it to true when the motor of your spindle is controlled by manual switch. So the preprocessor will issue additional pauses for TURN ON/TURN OFF the motor. true
Job: Marlin: Enforce feedrate Add feedrate to each movement g-code. false
Job: Separate words Specifies that the words should be separated with a white space. true
Job: Line increment Increment for sequence numbers. 1
Job: Line start First sequence number. 10
Job: Line numbers Show sequence numbers. false
Job: Reset on start (G92) Set origin when gcode start (G92 X0 Y0 Z0). Only apply if not using
GcodeStartFile. true
Job: Use Arcs Use G2/G3 g-codes for circular movements. true
Job: Firmware Target firmware (marlin 2.0 or Repetir 1.0.3 / GRBL 1.1) / RepRap Firmware. Marlin

Group 2: Travel Speed and Feedrate Scaling Properties

Use these properties to set the speed used for G0 Rapids and to scale the feedrate used for G1 cuts.

[Feed: Travel Speed X/Y] and [Feed: Travel Speed Z] are always used for G0 Rapids.

Scaling of the G1 cut feedrates will only occur if [Feed:Scaled feedrate] is true.

Scaling ensures that no G1 cut exceeds the speed capablities of the X, Y, or Z axes. The cut's toolpath feedrate is projected onto the X, Y and Z axes. In turn each axis is tested to see if its cut speed is within the limits of that axis. If not, then all axes feedrates are scaled proportionatly to bring it within limits. This is repeated for all axes. The three axis feedrates are then merged to create a new toolpath feedrate which is then limited to ensure it doesn't exceed [Feed: Max toolpath speed].

Note: Because scaling considered 3 dimensional movement a resulting toolpath's feedrate may be greater then one or all of the X, Y or Z limits. For example, a small movement in Z compared to a much larger movement in XY may result in a feedrate that appears to exceed the capability of Z but in reality since Z is move a much smaller distance for the same time period its actual feedrate is within the established limits.

Title Description Default
Feed: Travel Speed X/Y High speed for travel movements X & Y (mm/min). 2500 mm/min
Feed: Travel Speed Z High speed for travel movements Z (mm/min). 300 mm/min
Feed: Scaled feedrate Scale cut feedrates to respect XY and Z max cut speeds. false
Feed: Max cut speed X or Y Maximum cut speed along the X or Y axes (mm/min). 900 mm/min
Feed: Max cut speed Z Maximum cut speed along the Z axis (mm/min). 180 mm/min
Feed: Max toolpath speed Maximum cut speed along the toolpath (mm/min). 1000 mm/min

Group 3: Map G1->G0 Properties

Performs three actions by allowing G1 cuts to be mapped to G0 Rapid movements.

  1. If [Map: First G1 -> G0 Rapids] is true the post processor resolves the loss of the initial positioning movement at the beginning of a cut toolpath. This problem is often identified in forums as the tool being initially dragged across the work surface.

  2. If [Map: G1 -> G0] is true then allows G1 XY cut movements (i.e. no change in Z) that occur at a height greater or equal to [Map: Safe Z for Rapids] to be converted to G0 Rapids. Note: this assumes that the top of material is 0 in F360 and that any Z above [Map: Safe Z for Rapids] is a movement in the air. If top of material is not 0, then adjust [Map: Safe Z for Rapids] appropriately.

  3. If [Map: Allow Rapid Z] is true then includes G1 Z cut movements that either move straight up and end above [Map: Safe Z for Rapids], or straight down with the start and end positions both above [Map: Safe Z for Rapids]. Only occurs if [Map: G1 -> G0] is also true.

Title Description Default
Map: First G1 -> G0 Rapids Convert first G1 of a cut to G0 Rapid false
Map: G1 -> G0 Allow G1 cuts to be converted to Rapid G0 moves when safe and appropriate. false
Map: Safe Z for Rapids A G1 cut's Z must be >= to this to be mapped to a Rapid G0. 10
Map: Allow Rapid Z Include vertical cut if they are safe. true

Group 4: Tool change Properties

Title Description Default
Change: Disable Z stepper Disable Z stepper when change a tool false
Change: Enabled Enable tool change code (bultin tool change requires LCD display) true
Change: X X position for builtin tool change 0
Change: Y Y position for builtin tool change 0
Change: Z Z position for builtin tool change 40
Change: Make Z Probe Z probe after tool change true

Group 5: Z Probe Properties

Title Description Default
Probe: On job start Execute probe gcode on job start true
Probe: Plate thickness Plate thickness 0.8
Probe: Use Home Z Use G28 or G38 for probing true
Probe: G38 target Probing up to Z position -10
Probe: G38 speed Probing with speed 30

Group 6: Laser/Plasma Properties

Title Description Default Values
Laser: On - Vaporize Persent of power to turn on the laser/plasma cutter in vaporize mode 100
Laser: On - Through Persent of power to turn on the laser/plasma cutter in through mode 80
Laser: On - Etch Persent of power to turn on the laser/plasma cutter in etch mode 40
Laser: Marlin mode Marlin mode of the laser/plasma cutter () M106 M106 S{PWM}/M107 = 0; M3 O{PWM}/M5 = 1; M42 P{pin} S{PWM} = 2;
Laser: Marlin pin Marlin custom pin number for the laser/plasma cutter 4
Laser: GRBL mode GRBL mode of the laser/plasma cutter M4 M4 S{PWM}/M5 dynamic power = 4; M3 S{PWM}/M5 static power = 3;

Group 7: Coolant Control Pin Properties

Title Description Default Values
Coolant: A Mode Enable issuing g-codes for control Coolant channel A 0 off=0; flood=1; mist=2; throughTool=3; air=4; airThroughTool=5; suction=6; floodMist=7; floodThroughTool=8
Coolant: A Marlin On command GCode command to turn on Coolant channel A M42 P11 S255
Coolant: A Marlin Off command Gcode command to turn off Coolant A M42 P11 S0
Coolant: A GRBL GRBL g-codes for control Coolant channel A M7 M7 flood = 7; M8 mist = 8
Coolant: B Mode Enable issuing g-codes for control Coolant channel B 0 off=0; flood=1; mist=2; throughTool=3; air=4; airThroughTool=5; suction=6; floodMist=7; floodThroughTool=8
Coolant: B Marlin On command GCode command to turn on Coolant channel B M42 P6 S255
Coolant: B Marlin Off command Gcode command to turn off Coolant channel B M42 P6 S0
Coolant: B GRBL GRBL g-codes for control Coolant channel B M8 M7 flood = 7; M8 mist = 8

Group 8: Override Behaviour by External File Properties

Title Description Default
Extern: Start File File with custom Gcode for header/start (in nc folder)
Extern: Stop File File with custom Gcode for footer/end (in nc folder)
Extern: Tool File File with custom Gcode for tool change (in nc folder)
Extern: Probe File File with custom Gcode for tool probe (in nc folder)

Group 9: Write Comments Properties

Title Description Default
Comment: Write Tools Write table of used tools in job header true
Comment: Sections Write header of every section true
Comment: Activities Write comments which somehow helps to understand current piece of g-code true
Comment: Trace Commands Write stringified commands called by CAM true
Comment: Trace Movements Write stringified movements called by CAM true

Sample of issued code blocks

Gcode of milling with manually control spindel

;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.4860
; Posts processor: MPCNC_Mill_Laser.cps
; Gcode generated: Sunday, December 2, 2018 1:57:21 PM GMT
; Document: cam_testpp v5
; Setup: Setup1
; Ranges table:
; X: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Y: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Z: Min=-1 Max=15 Size=16
; Tools table:
; T1 D=3.175 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill
; T2 D=1.5 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill

; *** START begin ***
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; *** START end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour1 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 2.588 - X Max: 49.412
; Y Min: 2.588 - Y Max: 49.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
M0 Turn ON spindle
M117 2D Contour1
G0 Z15
G0 X49.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y49.412 F300
G1 X2.588
G1 Y2.588
G1 X49.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour2 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 9.587 - X Max: 42.412
; Y Min: 9.587 - Y Max: 42.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
M117 2D Contour2
G0 Z15 F300
G0 X42.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y42.412 F300
G1 X9.587
G1 Y9.587
G1 X42.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
; --- CHANGE TOOL begin ---
M300 S400 P2000
G0 Z50 F300
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M0 Turn OFF spindle
M0 Put tool 2 - 1.5mm
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; --- CHANGE TOOL end ---
;Trace1 - Milling - Tool: 2 - 1.5mm flat end mill
; X Min: 16 - X Max: 36
; Y Min: 16 - Y Max: 36
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
M0 Turn ON spindle
M117 Trace1
G0 Z15
G0 X36 Y36 F2500
G0 Z4 F300
G1 Z-1 F300
G1 Y16
G1 X16
G1 Y36
G1 X36
G1 Z4
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** STOP begin ***
M0 Turn OFF spindle
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M117 Job end
; *** STOP end ***

Gcode of milling with spindel controlled by M3/M4/M5

;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.4860
; Posts processor: MPCNC_Mill_Laser.cps
; Gcode generated: Sunday, December 2, 2018 1:56:26 PM GMT
; Document: cam_testpp v5
; Setup: Setup1
; Ranges table:
; X: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Y: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Z: Min=-1 Max=15 Size=16
; Tools table:
; T1 D=3.175 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill
; T2 D=1.5 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill

; *** START begin ***
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; *** START end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour1 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 2.588 - X Max: 49.412
; Y Min: 2.588 - Y Max: 49.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 21000
M3 S21000
M117 2D Contour1
G0 Z15
G0 X49.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y49.412 F300
G1 X2.588
G1 Y2.588
G1 X49.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour2 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 9.587 - X Max: 42.412
; Y Min: 9.587 - Y Max: 42.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 20000
M3 S20000
M117 2D Contour2
G0 Z15 F300
G0 X42.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y42.412 F300
G1 X9.587
G1 Y9.587
G1 X42.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
; --- CHANGE TOOL begin ---
M300 S400 P2000
G0 Z50 F300
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M0 Put tool 2 - 1.5mm
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; --- CHANGE TOOL end ---
;Trace1 - Milling - Tool: 2 - 1.5mm flat end mill
; X Min: 16 - X Max: 36
; Y Min: 16 - Y Max: 36
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 21000
M3 S21000
M117 Trace1
G0 Z15
G0 X36 Y36 F2500
G0 Z4 F300
G1 Z-1 F300
G1 Y16
G1 X16
G1 Y36
G1 X36
G1 Z4
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** STOP begin ***
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M117 Job end
; *** STOP end ***

Gcode of milling with spindel controlled by M3/M4/M5 with using Coolants (both A and B channels)

;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.4860
; Posts processor: MPCNC_Mill_Laser.cps
; Gcode generated: Sunday, December 2, 2018 2:06:54 PM GMT
; Document: cam_testpp v5
; Setup: Setup1
; Ranges table:
; X: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Y: Min=2.588 Max=36 Size=33.412
; Z: Min=-1 Max=15 Size=16
; Tools table:
; T1 D=3.175 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill
; T2 D=1.5 CR=0 - ZMIN=-1 - flat end mill

; *** START begin ***
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; *** START end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour1 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 2.588 - X Max: 49.412
; Y Min: 2.588 - Y Max: 49.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 21000
M3 S21000
; >>> Coolant A ON
M42 P11 S255
M117 2D Contour1
G0 Z15
G0 X49.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y49.412 F300
G1 X2.588
G1 Y2.588
G1 X49.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Contour2 - Milling - Tool: 1 - 1/8inch flat end mill
; X Min: 9.587 - X Max: 42.412
; Y Min: 9.587 - Y Max: 42.412
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 20000
M3 S20000
; >>> Coolant A OFF
M42 P11 S0
; >>> Coolant B ON
M42 P6 S255
M117 2D Contour2
G0 Z15 F300
G0 X42.412 Y26 F2500
G0 Z5 F300
G1 Z1 F100
G1 Z-1
; 14
G1 Y42.412 F300
G1 X9.587
G1 Y9.587
G1 X42.412
G1 Y26
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
; --- CHANGE TOOL begin ---
G0 Z50 F300
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
; >>> Coolant B OFF
M42 P6 S0
M300 S400 P2000
M0 Put tool 2 - 1.5mm
; --- PROBE TOOL begin ---
M0 Attach ZProbe
G28 Z
G92 Z0.8
G0 Z50 F300
M0 Detach ZProbe
; --- PROBE TOOL end ---
; --- CHANGE TOOL end ---
;Trace1 - Milling - Tool: 2 - 1.5mm flat end mill
; X Min: 16 - X Max: 36
; Y Min: 16 - Y Max: 36
; Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 21000
M3 S21000
M117 Trace1
G0 Z15
G0 X36 Y36 F2500
G0 Z4 F300
G1 Z-1 F300
G1 Y16
G1 X16
G1 Y36
G1 X36
G1 Z4
G0 Z15
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** STOP begin ***
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M117 Job end
; *** STOP end ***

Gcode of laser cutting

;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.4860
; Posts processor: MPCNC_Mill_Laser.cps
; Gcode generated: Sunday, December 2, 2018 2:07:32 PM GMT
; Document: cam_testpp v5
; Setup: Setup2
; Ranges table:
; X: Min=-25 Max=25 Size=50
; Y: Min=-25.5 Max=25 Size=50.5
; Z: Min=0 Max=15 Size=15
; Tools table:
; T1 D=0 CR=0 - ZMIN=0 - laser cutter

; *** START begin ***
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; *** START end ***

; *** SECTION begin ***
;2D Profile1 - Laser/Plasma - Cutting mode: auto
; X Min: -25 - X Max: 25
; Y Min: -25.5 - Y Max: 25
; Z Min: 0 - Z Max: 15
M117 2D Profile1
G0 Z15 F300
G0 X-9.94 Y-10.5 F2500
G0 Z0 F300
; >>> LASER Power ON
M106 S200
G1 Y-10 F1000
G1 X-9.95
G1 X-10
G1 Y10
G1 X10
G1 Y-10
G1 X-9.95
G1 X-9.96
G1 Y-10.5
; >>> LASER Power OFF
G0 Z5 F300
G0 X-9.99 Y-25.5 F2500
G0 Z0 F300
; >>> LASER Power ON
M106 S200
G1 Y-25 F1000
G1 X-10
G1 X-25
G1 Y25
G1 X25
G1 Y-25
G1 X-10
G1 X-10.01
G1 Y-25.5
; >>> LASER Power OFF
G0 Z15 F300
; *** SECTION end ***

; *** STOP begin ***
G0 X0 Y0 F2500
M117 Job end
; *** STOP end ***


Marlin G-codes

PostProcessor Class Reference

Post Processor Training Guide (PDF document)

Enhancements to the post processor property definitions

Dumper PostProcessor

Library of exist post processors

Post processors forum

How to set up a 4/5 axis machine configuration

Beginners Guide to Editing Post Processors in Fusion 360! FF121 (Youtube video)