
Application cookbook which installs and configures Consul.

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Application cookbook which installs and configures Consul.

This is a hybrid cookbook which provides resources/providers to install and configure the Consul agent. A default recipe exists to show off the most common usage - writing out a Consul configuration and creating the Consul service - from node attributes. It is important to note that this cookbook is essentially a Library cookbook which provides an default example recipe (e.g. application cookbook).


  • CentOS >= 6.4 (RHEL)
  • Ubuntu >= 12.04
  • Windows


This cookbook has a few dependencies which are pulled in and required when uploaded to a Chef Server. Not all recipes (or resources, for that matter) will run unless certain functionality is configured. For example, the Golang cookbook default recipe is only included when install method is from source.

Cookbook Name Description
Chef Vault Provides HWRP for managing secrets for TLS certificates/keys.
Golang Provides recipes for installing Go language for source compliation.
libartifact Provids HWRP for managing versions of artifacts on disk.
Poise Provides helpers for writing reusable HWRP code.
Poise Service Provides helpers for abstracting service lifecycle management.
SELinux Provides recipes for configuring SELinux subsystem.


This cookbook provides node attributes which can be used to fine tune how the recipes install and configure the Consul client, server and UI. These values are passed into the resource/providers for validation prior to converging.

All of the attribute keys are nested immediately under node['consul'] and thus are accessible like node.default['consul']['version'] = '0.5.1'.

Key Type Description Default
version String Installation version 0.5.2
remote_url String Remote URL for download. https://dl.bintray.com/mitchellh/consul
service_name String Name of the service (operating system) consul
service_user String Name of the service user consul
service_group String Name of the service group consul


This cookbook provides resource and provider primitives to manage the Consul client, server and UI. These primitives are what is used in the recipes, and should be used in your own wrapper cookbooks.


Parameter Type Description Default
path String File system path to write configuration. name
user String System username for configuration ownership. consul
group String System groupname for configuration ownership. consul
bag_name String Name of the chef-vault data bag for TLS configuration. secrets
bag_item String Item of the chef-vault data bag for TLS configuration. consul
consul_config '/etc/consul.json' do
  user 'jbellone'
  group 'staff'


Parameter Type Description Default
user String System username for configuration ownership. consul
group String System groupname for configuration ownership. consul
install_method String Determines method of installing Consul agent on node. source, binary, package
install_path String Absolute path to where Consul agent is unpacked. /srv
version String The version of Consul agent to install. nil
config_file String Absolute path to the Consul agent's configuration file. /etc/consul.json
config_dir String Absolute path to configuration directory (for definitions, watches). /etc/consul
data_dir String Absolute path to the Consul agent's data directory. /var/lib/consul
consul_service 'consul' do
  user 'consul'
  group 'consul'
  install_method 'binary'
  binary_url node['consul']['binary_url']


Parameter Type Description Default
path String File system path to write configuration. name
user String System username for configuration ownership. consul
group String System groupname for configuration ownership. consul
type String Type of the Consul watch to configure. key, keyprefix, service, event
parameters Hash Parameters to configure; depends on type of watch. {}
consul_watch 'foobarbaz' do
  type 'key'
  parameters(key: 'foo/bar/baz', handler: '/bin/false')
  notifies :reload, 'consul_service[consul]', :delayed
consul_watch 'foobarbaz' do
  type 'keyprefix'
  parameters(prefix: 'foo/', handler: '/bin/false')
  notifies :reload, 'consul_service[consul]', :delayed
consul_watch 'foobarbaz' do
  type 'service'
  parameters(service: 'redis', handler: '/bin/false')
  notifies :reload, 'consul_service[consul]', :delayed
consul_watch 'foobarbaz' do
  type 'event'
  parameters(event: 'web-deploy', handler: '/bin/false')
  notifies :reload, 'consul_service[consul]', :delayed


Parameter Type Description Default
path String File system path to write configuration. name
user String System username for configuration ownership. consul
group String System groupname for configuration ownership. consul
type String Type of definition service, check
consul_definition 'redis' do
  type 'service'
  parameters(tags: %w{master}, address: '', port: 6379, interval: '30s')
  notifies :reload, 'consul_service[consul]', :delayed


consul_execute 'uptime' do
  options(service: 'web')