
Enter a story ID from Fanfiction.net and compile all chapters into a nicely formatted one pager

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Fanfiction.net Parser/Compiler

Install and Usage

  1. Clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/pibby/fanfic-parser.git
  2. Install the nokogiri gem with gem install nokogiri
  3. Run parse.rb in a terminal with ruby parse.rb and enter the story's ID when prompted. (The story ID is the set of numbers that appears in the URL immediately after /s/, example: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9342824/1/Goodbye-to-Yesterday, the story ID is 9342824
  4. The program will download each chapter and append it to one file. When the program indicates that it is complete, open the .html file to read the story

Changing the Appearance

I've styled this in a way that I find easily readable, but if you don't care for my styles, you can edit them in the template_begin variable between the <style> tags.