Sample Apache Storm pipeline for discovering phone number elements and write them into a Cassandra table, to be used for demonstration purposes.


The example was designed for minimal requirements of software dependencies, so only Docker is necessary for running it.

Starting the cluster

The minimal storm cluster is composed by:

  • Zookeeper: Coordination of the cluster
  • Supervisor: Worker node that holds the worker processes
  • Nimbus: Orchestration of work amongst supervisors and resource management
  • Storm UI: Web console for monitoring and managing the cluster

To start the Storm cluster use the following command:

docker-compose up -d

Building the image

When everything is started up, we will build the image of our topology:

docker build . -t phonediscoverytopology_uploader

Uploading the topology

Running this image means uploading the topology into the previously created Storm cluster:

docker run --rm --network phone-discovery-topology_default phonediscoverytopology_uploader

Managing the cluster

Browse http://localhost:8080 for managing the cluster using Storm UI.

Sending a message

To send phone numbers to be processed by the topology:

docker run --rm appropriate/nc echo "+351911234567;+351221234567" | nc localhost 9999

Querying the database

To query the database for results:

docker exec cassandra cqlsh -e "select * from storm_sample_ks.phones"

The following results are expected for the sample message input:

 country_calling_code | national_number | number_type | country_code
                  351 |       911234567 |      MOBILE |           PT
                  351 |       221234567 |  FIXED_LINE |           PT