
Tools for phenotyping, simulating and modelling with the SUNFLO crop model

Primary LanguageR


Tools for phenotyping, simulating and modelling with the SUNFLO crop model [1,2]. Convenience and utility functions for personal use. Not to be published anywhere.

A set of tools for working with the SUNFLO crop model at different steps.

  • input data: computing genotype-specific parameters and creating climatic input files.
  • simulation: designing virtual experiments and multi-simulation in R or web service interface.
  • modeling: tracking the variation of prediction capacity along with model development.


  • model manual: graphic documentation of the sunflo algorithm (pdf)
  • user manual: description of the workflow for simulation and model parameterization (pdf, in French)
  • example: simulate a basic design of experiments (rmarkdown)


To run simulations with the SUNFLO crop model and this R package, two softwares (VLE and R) and two packages (sunflo and rsunflo) need to be installed.

  1. install the VLE simulation platform : VLE project github or website and RVLE R package github

  2. install the SUNFLO crop model for VLE simulation platform : RECORD project model library

  3. install the development version of rsunflo or clone the rsunflo repository

# install.packages("devtools")


[1] Casadebaig, P.; Guilioni, L.; Lecoeur, J.; Christophe, A.; Champolivier, L. & Debaeke, P. (2011), 'SUNFLO, a model to simulate genotype-specific performance of the sunflower crop in contrasting environments', Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151, 163-178. (pdf)

[2] Lecoeur, J.; Poiré-Lassus, R.; Christophe, A.; Pallas, B.; Casadebaig, P.; Debaeke, P.; Vear, F. & Guilioni, L. (2011), 'Quantifying physiological determinants of genetic variation for yield potential in sunflower. SUNFLO: a model-based analysis', Functional Plant Biology 38(3), 246--259. (pdf)