A web application built for Eastern Michigan University's Information Assurance Student Association.

Primary LanguageHTML

EMU IASA Web App v 1.0

This web application is meant to provide a maintainable, configurable web application for Eastern Michigan University's Information Assurance Student Association.

Required Gems

Should probably write that install script. Will do that. Until then, just install these gems:

$ (sudo) gem install sinatra thin trollop colorize

Screen Shot

alt tag


  • Spell checking.
  • Documentation.
  • Tests, maybe. I don't know. I do enough tests in school.
  • Custom blogging engine to replace the club's Wordpress solution?
  • User accounts?


Installation is thought of with OSX and Debian in mind. Provided with this application is an install script to help setup the application.

Install Script

Located in the main directory of this application is the install_iasa_web_application.sh shell script.

Running the Application

To run this application, a command-line wrapper has been implemented.


ruby app.rb -s

Other Options

Running the application without any flags default to a help menu which helps details the other options available.

  -s, --start      Start the application
  -v, --version    Print version and exit
  -h, --help       Show this message


Logging has been split into two separate files stored in the log directory of the application: the access.log containing the normal web logs ( think, like, an apache log file ); and an error.log which will populate with any errors.


Like any secure application, self-signed certs for the win!

Generate Self-Signed Cert Script

Provided in the ssl directory of this application is a simple shell script to generate the appropriate ssl certs for this application. Totally. ;)

No, but seriously, I turned it off for now.

Because who wants that crap when you're doing local test? Sniff my web app traffic, I dare you. Unless you do, in which case, no. Don't. Stop. Hackers!