
🧠 OpenAI Chat Graph

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

openai-chat-graph Go Reference Go Report Card License: MPL 2.0

Model OpenAI chat messages as a graph.


  • Summarize a thread of messages.
  • Model and traverse relationships between messages, within branches and threads.
  • Search messages with language-specific matching.


$ go get github.com/picatz/openai-chat-graph


This package provides a flexible package to model OpenAI chat messages as a graph. This allows for a variety of use cases, such as summarizing a thread of messages, modeling and traversing relationships between messages, or searching messages with language-specific matching.

This helps programatically extend the memory (the context) of a conversation an individual bot can have which may leak outside of the token bucket boundaries of the current chat API provided by OpenAI.

It can be used to enable short-term memories to select relevant pieces to include in a single chat request to form a new idea. You may also serialize the conversation to disk (or a database) to enable long-term memory.

Messages can be modified, added or removed from the graph in any way that makes sense for your application.

// Linking questions and answers together.

lotrFellowshipQuestion := &graph.Message{
	ID: "1",
	ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
		Role:    openai.ChatRoleUser,
		Content: "What are characters part of the fellowship in Lord of the Rings?",

lotrFellowshipAnswer := &graph.Message{
	ID: "2",
	ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
		Role:    openai.ChatRoleAssistant,
		Content: "The Fellowship of the Ring consists of nine members, ...",


lotrFellowshipHobbitsQuestion := &graph.Message{
	ID: "3",
	ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
		Role:    openai.ChatRoleUser,
		Content: "How do the Hobbits know eachother?",


lotrFellowshipHobbitsAnswer := &graph.Message{
	ID: "4",
	ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
		Role:    openai.ChatRoleAssistant,
		Content: "Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are all from the Shire, ...",


chat := &graph.Chat{
	ID:   "LOTR",
	Name: "Lord of the Rings",
	Messages: graph.Messages{
		lotrFellowshipQuestion, // The root message of the chat graph.

// Visit each message in the graph, depth-first. Print each message's content.
chat.Visit(ctx, func(message *graph.Message) error {
	return nil

// Resulting connections:
// lotrFellowshipQuestion → lotrFellowshipAnswer → lotrFellowshipHobbitsQuestion → lotrFellowshipHobbitsAnswer
// Basic (flat) list of messages can also be used at the top-level.
chat := &graph.Chat{
	ID:   "chat-1",
	Name: "Test Chat",
	Messages: graph.Messages{
			ID: "1",
			ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
				Role:    openai.ChatRoleUser,
				Content: "Who is Jon Snow's father?",
			ID: "2",
			ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
				Role: openai.ChatRoleAssistant,
				Content: "It is revealed in the show that Jon Snow's father is Rhaegar Targaryen, " +
					"making him a true Targaryen heir. However, in the books, it remains a popular " +
					"theory that his father is also Rhaegar, making him the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne.",
			ID: "3",
			ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
				Role:    openai.ChatRoleUser,
				Content: "What is his mother?",
			ID: "4",
			ChatMessage: openai.ChatMessage{
				Role: openai.ChatRoleAssistant,
				Content: "In the TV show, Jon Snow's mother is revealed to be Lyanna Stark. " +
					"She is the younger sister of Ned Stark, who is Jon Snow's adoptive father. " +
					"In the books, it is strongly suggested that the same is true, but it has not yet been explicitly confirmed.",

client := openai.NewClient(os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))

summary, _ := chat.Messages.Summarize(ctx, client, openai.ModelGPT4)

// Output: Jon Snow's father is Rhaegar Targaryen, making him a Targaryen heir. 
// His mother is Lyanna Stark, Ned Stark's younger sister. This information is 
// confirmed in the TV show and strongly suggested in the books.

// Search for messages containing the word "father".
results, _ := chat.Messages.Search(ctx, "father")
// Output: 3

// Visit each message in the graph, depth-first.
chat.Visit(ctx, func(message *graph.Message) error {
	// Do something with the message.
	return nil